Tag: EVE News 24

  • PSA: Daily Downtime Officially Shortened To 15 Minutes! 11:00 – 11:15 UTC

    After a period of testing throughout April, we are happy to announce that Tranquility’s daily downtime window is now ready to be officially cut in half from 30 minutes down to 15. Until today, we have advertised daily downtime for the cluster as a 30 minute window during which Tranquility would be offline for maintenance.…

  • The Small Things – A look at the smaller stories in the EvE Universe.

    Welcome to an article where we will be looking at the ‘small things’ that might not make a full EN24 article but are either funny or interesting enough to share anyway! Snuffed Out Alliance loses more corps. New alliance set up by those who left. Those who left Snuffed Out <B B C> after their…

  • Gallente Militia Civil War

    Earlier today Spaceship Bebop [BEBOP] declared war on fellow Gallente Militia member Rapid Withdrawal [RDRAW], quickly followed by Villore Accords [GMVA] and Black Fox Marauders [BLFOX], also of the Gallente Militia. There has been a gradual buildup of tension between the main Gallente Warfare corporations and Rapid Withdrawal ever since RDRAW decided to accept an offer of…

  • Fundraiser: Caldariprimeponyclub / CreatorStudio

  • CSM interview: Hot Chocolate with Rahne

    Rahne Chocolate & Lanctharus Onzo interviewing: 1: corbexx CSM 10 member 2: Gorski Car CSM 11 member 3: Jin’taan CSM 11 member 4: Steve Ronuken CSM 11 member 5: Sullen Decimus CSM 11 member Watch live video from eve_nt_tv on www.twitch.tv

  • Video: Kronos vs The world

    Zarvox Toral showing off his amazing skills in a Kronos! Enjoy! Thorax: https://zkillboard.com/kill/53819149/ Omen Navy: https://zkillboard.com/kill/53819157/ Rattlesnake: https://zkillboard.com/kill/53819193/ Machariel: https://zkillboard.com/kill/538…

  • EVE Fanfest 2016 – LAB-M: EVE and the Economics of War

    In this talk we investigate PLEX price dynamics, alliance structure, and the history of war in Eve and its effect on market prices, and how these relate to the real world. LAB-M is a research project of the University of Ghent. Kevin Hoefman is a game development lecturer turned economist, who is convinced that what…

  • The Scope – World War Bee rages on as conflict erupts over first constructed citadels

    Alton Haveri reports on the ongoing conflict in the north as the Moneybadger Coalition plan their next move against the Imperium stronghold in Fade. Meanwhile, the Upwell Consortium announces Capsuleer day amid harsh criticism from critics and competitors, relating to the apparent misrepresentation of the hazards of colonizing unregulated space, after the loss of a…

  • Devblog: Fanfest & Birthdays! – New Eden Turns Teenager!

    Another year has come and gone for New Eden, with today marking the thirteenth anniversary of the release of EVE Online. For over a decade now, time and time again our community has completely destroyed the assumptions and expectations of what a massively multiplayer game should be. Year on year the pilots who inhabit this…

  • Song: shutupandshave – Hello

    shutupandshave, the pilot who is known for his song ”little bees” has created a new song!  Enjoy!