Story: To Be or Not To Be
I am piloting my Fortis, a Retriever-class vessel, as I record these thoughts. My sensors are showing rats and a viscous Pyroxeres and not much else. The Hobgoblins can handle the rats while my mining drones continue their methodical and efficient extraction of the Pyroxeres. Of all the activities that a Capsuleer can engage in…
Video: The Zkill Guide to The Cambion
How to: Cambion?!
NULLSEC: Unlike as I predicted in my earlier updates, LAWN is still trucking along. 4 of its member corps seem to be putting up a huge fight against MBC forces in the Pure Blind region, so far taking 10 systems. White Legion also seem to be refusing to fold, as their newest corp “True Xenon…
EVE Vegas: Announcing The First Round of Speakers!
As October 28-30th draws closer, preperations have begun on what is set to be the largest EVE Vegas ever! With this in mind, we’re happy to announce our first round of developer speakers who will be heading out with us to form part of the presentation and roundtable team at Planet Hollywood over the course…
Video: FUEL TO FIRE 2 – EVE Online Solo PvP
Hello Dear Eve Pilots! After year of releasing my first PvP video i have decided to make sequel. Took long time but its really hard to find decent battles nowadays. Thanks again everyone for the epic journey! —————— SHIPS FLOWN IN ORDER: -Deimos 0:32 -Gila 1:20 -Machariel 5:14 -Vagabond 9:53 -Barghest 12:56 -Gila 20:23 -Sleipnir…
Circle of Two Defection Part 3: Virtruvian Sedition
In part one I detailed why telling the story of Co2’s defection in depth is needed as well as presented quotes from prominent individuals in Eve underlining the importance of the defection itself. In part readers will see how much of a role planning had in Co2’s defection. Part two of our series compared and…
CSM 11 – September Summit
The eleventh Council of Stellar Management will have its first summit September 12-15 at CCP HQ in Reykjavík, Iceland. Usually we invite half the CSM to attend in person with the rest of the CSM joining remotely through video conferencing. For this summit, however, CCP has decided to invite all 14 council members to attend in person. The…
Devpost: Áfram Ísland! – Cheer for Iceland in Euro 2016!
Picture courtesy of @CCP_Kitteh (he’s supporting Iceland in Euro 2016, are you?) Over here in Iceland right now, there’s a little bit of Euro 2016 fever going on as Iceland compete in their first major football tournament. For many sports experts, it was expected that in their first major tournament Iceland would not make it past…
EVE Online Ship Spotlight – Vigilant
The Vigilant was the first Gallente design the Guardian Angels would steal and make their own, but it wouldn’t be the last. Building on the Thorax’s natural strengths, it is a deadly vessel both by itself and in fleet tandem. A group of these sluggers is a sight to fear. For an overview of EVE…
Battle Report: TEST Did Not Ignore Legion of xXDeathXx
Over the last month the new ‘Wardens of the North’ have been fighting with a group of Russian Alliances. TEST Alliance and Circle of Two, whose space border the Russian held regions, have both been fighting a series of skirmish actions primarily against Legion of xXDeathXx, Infinity Space, and Afterlife. On Sunday at 1900 hours a…