Tag: EVE News 24

  • Geminate: Tackled Dreadnought Sparks a Battle in LR-2XT

    LR-2XT system, Geminate region. On the 8th of January at 15:00 EVE Standard Time, a battle unfolded in the system between local forces and Therabois. The battle was fought over a Revelation dreadnought belonging to Hard Alliance [PYCB]. The dreadnought was caught in an anomaly, clearing a capital spawn which had appeared in the site.…

  • Catch: Fierce Battle over a Fortizar in CZK-ZQ

    CZK-ZQ system, Catch region. On the 10th of January at 9:19 EVE Standard Time, Tactical Supremacy [TIKLE] and Dangerous Voltage [DV] clashed with Stain Wagon (SW) coalition and Goonswarm Federation [CONDI] in the system. The battle was fought over a Dangerous Voltage Fortizar citadel which was coming out from its second reinforcement timer. In order…

  • Breaking News: VOLT System of 36N-HZ Under Attack by TESTCO

    System: 36N-HZ Region : Catch Reports have surfaced that TESTCO forces are currently attacking the Volition Cult held system of 36N-HZ. Current intel indicates that as of 20:03 hrs (Eve Time) the I-Hub is within one node of being destroyed. This attack is a military action being conducted by TEST Alliance, Circle of Two, Drone Walkers…

  • The Discourse: Winter War Blazes On

      The Discourse returns, this time reporting on the events unfolding in the Catch region as the war rages on in the south. With guest speaker Jin’taan, military director of Providence Bloc.

  • Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #43

    The past week has supplied more than enough videos from around New Eden. From ambient videos, fake trailers and some hilarious or tense PvP moments, these are EVE News 24’s picks for the past week: #1 Shadow State’s Sotiyo Engineering Complex Timelapse by gilliganxl A beautiful ambient video showing the fabrication of a Sotiyo engineering complex,…

  • Capital Battle in Melmaniel

    Melmaniel system, Verge Vendor region. On the 8th of January at 9:47 EVE Standard Time, a large capital engagement unfolded in the system as Escalating Entropy [CHAOS] clashed with Snuffed Out [B B C] and Project.Mayhem. [16-13]. The battle was prompted by Snuffed Out forces, who had reinforced a tower belonging to Escalating Entropy in…

  • Battle Report Round Up #29

    The past week has supplied quite a few videos immortalizing conflicts around New Eden. This is a round up of a few of those battles: 31/12 Free for all in Kourmonen   To usher in the new year, 4 fleets clashed in Kourmonen, the Bleak Lands. The fight, which occurred on the Huola gate, saw…

  • Low Sec Rumble: Clash in Molden Heath

    On the 8th January at 03:00 EVE Local time in the system of Meildolf, Molden Heath, Forces belonging to Bangarang. clashed with those of Shadow Cartel and Did He Say Jump over an Azbel Citadel in the system. The valuable Azbel belonging to a small local manufacturing group had been reinforced twice before. It would…

  • Breaking News: Stain Wagon IHUB Destroyed

      System: V-3YG7 Region: Catch Yesterday, the Stain Wagon Coalition and their Imperium Allies rallied their banners to defend the system of V-3YG7 from the invading forces of TESTCO, Drone Walkers, Phoenix Coalition, and Vanguard Coalition. The system is key to Stain Wagon’s defense of the region, and serves as their military’s forward deployment base…

  • Catch: Battle over Fortizar in CNC-4V

    CNC-4V system, Catch region. On the 4th of January at 8:00 EVE Standard Time, Stain Wagon (SW) coalition forces, backed by Goonswarm Federation [CONDI] assaulted a Fortizar belonging to Tactical Supremacy [TIKLE] in the system. The citadel, which serves as Tactical Supremacy’s staging base in the system, had been reinforced previously by SW forces and…