Tag: EVE News 24

  • CCP Alert: Singularity mass test on 1/31/2017

    CCP has announced a mass test on the test server (Singularity) for later today. See below for the CCP notice posted by CCP Phantom: 2017-01-30 13:47 By CCP Phantom Join our next mass test this Tuesday, January 31st, and explore the latest EVE Online features under development! Further info about this mass test Info about…

  • Tenal: Nyx Destroyed During Battle in SF-XJS

    SF-XJS system, Tenal region. On the 28th of January at 20:00 EVE Standard Time, League of Unaligned Master Pilots [LUMPY] met Drone Regions Federation (DRF) in battle on the HB-5L3 gate in the system. The battle was fought over a citadel anchored by League of Unaligned Master Pilots in the system as part of the…

  • Low Sec Rumble: Skirmishing in Loes

    Loes system, Verge Vendor region. On the 28th of January at 17:17 EVE Standard Time, a battle took place in the system involving Snuffed Out [B B C], Project.Mayhem. [16-13], Escalating Entropy [CHAOS] and Northern Coalition. [NC]. The battle was fought over a Snuffed Out tower in the system. The tower had been previously reinforced…

  • Low Sec Rumble: Skirmishing in Loes

    Loes system, Verge Vendor region. On the 28th of January at 17:17 EVE Standard Time, a battle took place in the system involving Snuffed Out [B B C], Project.Mayhem. [16-13], Escalating Entropy [CHAOS] and Northern Coalition. [NC]. The battle was fought over a Snuffed Out tower in the system. The tower had been previously reinforced…

  • Battle Report Round Up #32

    The past week has supplied quite a few videos and articles immortalizing conflicts around New Eden. This is a round up of a few of those battles: 20/1 Brave Collective and Mordus Angels versus Pandemic Legion and Pandemic Horde   XI-VUF in Pure Blind saw Brave Collective [BRAVE] and Mordus Angels [MoA] fight a joint…

  • Low Sec Rumble: Capital Clash in Huola

    Huola system, The Bleak Lands region. On the 28th of January at 14:24 EVE Standard Time, Did he say Jump [JMP-N] and Siege Green. [SSGRN] clashed in the system, resulting in a full capital brawl. The battle was prompted by Did he say Jump. The alliance had spotted Siege Green. and the Amarr militia bashing…

  • Brave Collective: State of the Alliance

    On the 28th of January, Brave Collective [BRAVE]’s executor, Cagali Cagali, released a State of the Alliance speech following recent events in order to clarify the alliance’s situation and future direction: – The Cloud Ring campaign is proceeding well – The Initiative. [INIT.]’s resistance is steadfastly increasing, with major battles expected over valuable moons. –…

  • Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #46

    The past week has supplied more than enough videos from around New Eden. From ambient videos, fake trailers and some hilarious or tense PvP moments, these are EVE News 24’s picks for the past week: #1 EvE Online: How to loose Pith X-Type fits by Lord Molly Its one of the axioms of life that…

  • Is EVE my Adventure?

    Life is about adventure. To some, adventure is blazing new trails in nullsec, to others it is trying to buy things in Jita without dying. Adventure to me is being a part of something bigger that lets me be myself and experience new things to enjoy. I will share some of my EVE story with…

  • Is EVE my Adventure?

    Life is about adventure. To some, adventure is blazing new trails in nullsec, to others it is trying to buy things in Jita without dying. Adventure to me is being a part of something bigger that lets me be myself and experience new things to enjoy. I will share some of my EVE story with…