Vendetta Online 1.8.583
VO 1.8.583 includes:- Four new missions: “Dragon Variations”, “At the Heart of It All”, “Nemeses” and “Safari Cruise”.- New capital ship command-set help, by messaging “help” to a capship that is owned by the player.- Expanded Russian localizations on…
Expeditions Revisited 3.74
Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Expeditions Revisited Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes are included in patch 3.74, which will be live……
Expeditions Revisited
Hello! One of our biggest surprises in 2021 has been the popularity of Expeditions. It’s been absolutely lovely to watch folks play No Man’s Sky in new ways (like working together to escape a hellish planet, which prompted this lovely Eurogamer article), and to surprise players with unexpected rewards (like the moment the Normandy from……
Merc Net Launch
In all genres and stories I have enjoyed, I was always most interested in those fulfilling mercenary roles. Outer Heaven and Diamond Dogs in Metal Gear, Wolf’s Dragoons and Grey […]
Vendetta Online 1.8.581-582
VO 1.8.582 includes (11/20):- New “Hive Queen Mining Beam”: a new capital-class mining beam that is a rare drop from Hive Queens.- New AndroidTV dialog, on devices with no gamepad or other input, allows re-scan for new input devices.- Fixed problem wit…
Pulse: Fanfest, AT Prize Ships, Crimson Harvest
Welcome to another new look EVE Pulse from inside Jita 4-4!
Announcement: EVE Fanfest 2022 – Gate is Green!
The gate is green as EVE Fanfest returns to Iceland on 6-7 May 2022!
Vendetta Online 1.8.577-580
A lot of changes in the last couple of weeks..VO 1.8.580 includes (11/5):- New tutorial missions in initial rollout on touchscreen devices, will eventually be coming to other input models.- Improved client-side mission list refresh and update latency.-…