Emergence Patch 3.71
Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Frontiers Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes are included in patch 3.71, which will be live on……
Whose Victory in Delve is it anyway?
At the start of August TEST’s leadership along with other elements of PAPI Coalition announced their immediate withdrawal from their campaign against the Imperium. This article will analyze the mistakes […]
Expedition Four: Emergence
Hello Everyone! As the end of October approaches, we are thrilled to announce a new seasonal event for No Man’s Sky. Expedition Four: Emergence begins today, and will run over the course of Halloween! This is our first Expedition to feature a narrative, and is also a mini-update, bringing with it a host of enhancements……
Vendetta Online 1.8.575-576
VO 1.8.576 includes (tonight):- Six new missions, three of them lower-level in Nation space, three higher-levels in Grayspace.- Leviathans are now excluded from the player-capship turret-drop limitations.- Fixed a problem with missile turrets firing …
Vendetta Online 1.8.574
VO 1.8.574 includes:- Added experimental CPU-side background-loading of collision models and textures on Windows.- Background-loading of collision models added to Android’s existing ability to background-load textures.- Fixed crash on MacOS X 10.11 and…