Dev Post: Chaos Era Continues – Cyno Update
This September we are planning two large changes for Cynosural Fields: – Cynosural Field Generator I can only be fit by Force Recon Ships and Black Ops Battleships (note: these classes can still fit covert cynos) – Jump Freighters can jump …
No Man’s Sky Beyond Release
Hello Everyone, Welcome to BEYOND! Well, where do we start? After the NEXT update in July 2018, we started work on a series of smaller, more focused updates. You saw the first of these with our Exocraft rework, with Abyss and with Visions. We’re very proud of these updates, but we realised that by focusing……
NCPL: Folly and Blunders Part 2
This is part two of a series of articles looking at the numerous mistakes made by NCPL. Provi Citadel Campaign When CCP announced that the original nullsec stations were going to be converted into faction citadels every group speculated a…
NCPL: Folly and Blunders Part 1
In this series we will be looking at the decline Northern CoalitionDot and Pandemic Legion have been undergoing in the past few years listing some of the key events and mistakes and the some of the reasons behind them. This was actually meant to be wri…
No Man’s Sky BEYOND Trailer
Hello! Thank you for your patience. Our biggest update yet launches in a little under a week on August 14th and we couldn’t be more excited to share this trailer with you, showing off the massively expanded online component of Beyond for the first time. BEYOND is the culmination of 12 months of work on……
The Blackout: Cruel But Fair?
“More explosions,” the mantra is often repeated but rarely thought about beyond its surface attractiveness. For the most part, I agree with the sentiment. I’ve been in quite a few organizations with various outlooks on the game, from …
The Sword that CCP wishes to fall on
The Sword that CCP wishes to fall on As you are reading this, you’re probably aware of the shake-up that CCP has done with EVE Online. One of the largest shake ups in the game in recent history has been the Triglavian kick that CCP has been on fo…
Beyond – Release date confirmed
Hello Everyone, We know that there is a lot of hunger out there for news and updates on No Man’s Sky. We’re very excited to be able to share more information from behind the scenes. Our next chapter No Man’s Sky: Beyond, is coming on August 14th! Beyond will contain three major updates rolled……