Initiative AWOX Debt Remains Unpaid
Over the past fifteen months a task force naming itself “Band of Brothers” comprised mainly of various Black Legion, Pandemic Legion, and Northern Coalition members has been delivering destruction upon the Imperium held regions of Fountain and Delve. &…
Famous Author Missing
The family and colleagues of author Olav Redcourt have reported him missing. A police investigation has so far failed to determine his whereabouts. Redcourt recently hit the headlines when he terminated his relationship with his publisher, Bonespire P…
RIP Swet Mags – TEST Cyno Vigil Tribute
The passing of a New Eden Community member has a massive rippling effect on pilots. For capsuleers in EVE Online a death means returning to a new clone. Ships looking to jump long distance without the use of a gate require a Cynosural Beacon (Cyno) to …
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories. A mercenary group has been intercepted by security forces in the Meene system. It is understood that the mercenaries’ primary target was Phoenix Base, home of the engineer Ram Tah. Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corpora…
Reverse the Verse LIVE
Art Director Ian Leyland and Environment Artist Luan Vetoreti discuss the process and elements of building Lorville. To watch Reverse the Verse LIVE each and every week, tune into http://twitch.tv/starcitizen.
A Warning from the Imperator
The isolationist group Nova Imperium has broadcast a message to Imperial citizens via public media. The organisation’s leader, known only as the Imperator, said: “Imperial citizens, your ruler’s weakness has put you in great danger. If we are to surv…
Dev Blog: Introducing The Activity Tracker!
If you’d like to discuss this devblog, feel free to add your comments in this thread on the official forums! Did you ever want to know how many NPCs you have destroyed? Did you ever want to know how many Capsuleers you have obliterated? How about Citadels destroyed? Maybe you are interested in Exploration? Resource…
Around the Verse
Breaking news about upcoming releases and an inside look at cloud tech development in this week’s update.
NEW TRIGLAVIAN SHIPS: Only 2 in November Release
EVE Vegas 2018 SHIP BALANCE PANEL showed off four new Triglavian ships and made it clear they would be coming this winter. The Drekavac Battlecruiser, and Kikimora Destroyer will be available on with the expansion Onslaught November 13th Release. The n…
Conflict in Geras Ends
Authorities in the Geras system have confirmed that the conflict between Geras First and Ndozins State Inc has come to an end. Both factions received support from independent combat pilots, to whom generous rewards were promised, but in the end there …