Aopoa San’tok.yāi
Aopoa San’tok’yai
Ulyanov Discusses Far God Outposts
Exotheologian Dr Alfred Ulyanov has commented on the abandoned Far God outposts recently discovered in the Etain system: “This fascinating discovery implies that the missing chapters of the Far God sect were not arrested or killed, but instead fled to…
Phantom Bounty: Part Three
Facing the Phantom, Mila must now confront her past.
Drake Interplanetary
This Week in Star Citizen
Aegis Dynamics
Watch This: EVE Pulse – Pilot Episode
Hot on the heels of the EVE Online: Onslaught expansion comes the first episode of EVE Pulse. This show will keep you up to date with everything interesting going on related to EVE, from in-game happenings and offers to dev input. The post Watch This: …
Origin Jumpworks
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories. Admiral Frederick Yamamoto has been announced as the sixth member of the Alliance Council of Admirals. The position had been vacant for months after the previous appointment, Riri McAllister, was discovered to be th…