Month: July 2017

  • Rebalancing Strategic Cruisers

    Hello again adaptable capsuleers! Today we are happy to bring you another dev blog covering the imminent revamp of the Strategic Cruiser (also known as T3 Cruiser) class coming on July 11th. When we last released a dev blog on this topic a lit…

  • GM Lelouch Provides Excellent Insight Into CCP GM Policies

    With the array of different mediums we use to communicate both with CCP, and with each other, regarding Eve, it can be really easy to miss things. Yesterday, while looking for information on something else on Reddit, I came upon the following thread in which user /u/CeleryStickBeating described an issue he had with the reimbursement…

  • Galactic News: Weekly Economic Report

    This report presents the latest data on the economic health of the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience an economic boom: Order of Ethgreze Brotherhood of LP 98-132 Laedla and Co Union of Wolf 359 Labour Coquim Industry Zelano Systems Opila Ltd Kokary Liberals Kini Drug Empire Brani Federal Holdings Boom…

  • Good Features: Colorblindness Correction Palette

    A few weeks ago, CCP introduced a tool to help colorblind Capsuleers function better in New Eden. While the feature is still in beta, users are finding the system to be effective at correcting even minor color adjustment issues and problems, resulting in easier perception of the user interface. The system comes with two auto…

  • Northern Coalition. Clashes with Goonswarm Federation and Allies in Efa

    A major battle took place today in the region of Khanid, in the lowsec system Efa today, as Goonswarm Federation [CONDI] and their allies squared off against Northern Coalition. [NC]. The battle took place over a Plaer-Owned Starbase (POS) reinforcement timer. Members of the Querious Fight Club including Cold Steel Alliance [STEEL], The Exiled Gaming…

  • Imperium forces crushed at FCON citadel

    Yesterday, saw a large battle between the forces of The Imperium and its allies, versus the Phoenix Federation and their coalition. Well over 50 billion ISK was lost by forces on both sides, with The Imperium losing both the ISK war and the fight for the Fortizar.  The Imperium lost after it failed to field…

  • Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report

    This report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems: Zeus Bureau Labour of Kalads Taka Blue Allied Solutions Future of Guayambaan Autoc…

  • July Release Downtime Information Now Available!

      We are happy to announce that the July 2017 release will be deployed during an extended downtime on Tuesday, July 11th. This release brings phase two of Project Discovery, where pilots in New Eden will assist in real world science by se…

  • Monthly Studio Report: June 2017

  • Watch This: EVE Online – Development Update (July 2017)

    EVE Online’s Executive Producer gives an update on current EVE Online development and the upcoming priority shifts to how we develop for ship and module balancing and structures. Also, some updates on the July release with Tech 3 Cruiser rebalancing, the Agency, Project Discovery – Exoplanets, and the Alliance Tournament.