Month: February 2016

  • Video: We Are Eve

    The following video was created by: @prettyarcanine To submit your own video please use the following link

  • Video: Blacklist Squad Smallgang

    Blacklist Squad coming at you from the boys of Radio_Roamers (ingame channel)! To submit your own video please use the following link

  • Galactic News: Weekly Expansion List

    Each week, GalNet presents a list of 10 of the 1,208 minor factions currently expanding into new systems. Conservatives of Tiliala Nez Pelliri Gang Nagii Union Revolutionary Pontae Liberals Aonibozo Silver State Services Earls of Pripai Negi Coa…

  • February Subscriber Flair!

    Whoop, flair it is!

  • Powerplay: Weekly Report

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon signed no trade agreements this week, as negotiations with delegates from Ross 842 and HIP 55118 failed to produce satisfactory terms for all stakeholders. New trade agreements with Mong Kung and Picunche are currently being…

  • Reworking Capital Ships: Skills, Modules & Refitting

      Hi Mates! As first revealed at EVE Vegas 2015, we are making some major changes to capital ships in EVE in the upcoming EVE: Citadel Expansion and you can expect additional dev blogs as more details become ready to announce.  In this blog I’m going to cover the new Force Auxiliary capital class, our transition plan for current carrier pilots, new…

  • Devblog: Reworking Capital Ships: Skills, Modules & Refitting

    Hi Mates! As first revealed at EVE Vegas 2015, we are making some major changes to capital ships in EVE in the upcoming EVE: Citadel Expansion and you can expect additional dev blogs as more details become ready to announce.  In this blog I’m going to cover the new Force Auxiliary capital class, our transition plan for current carrier pilots, new capital…

  • Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report

    This weekly transmission lists some of the systems currently in conflict around the galaxy, based on the latest data. Here are 10 of the 14,948 minor factions involved in a civil war: Biamoana Silver Comms Inc Workers of HIP 24660 Union Party Carin…

  • DevPost: Warp Disruptor and Scrambler Tiericide

    Hallo everyone! We’re planning a huge set of module tiericide in our March release and this thread will serve as the feedback location for changes to Warp Disruptors and Scramblers. Like many old sets of modules, the Meta 4 scramblers were strictly better than T2, significantly reducing the choice involved when choosing fittings. We are…

  • Watch This: Flight Academy – Skill Trading Official Quick Reference Guide.

    Skill trading will certainly be the flavor of the month for EVE Online and while we already posted a longer more editorialized version by our good friend Jonny Pew, its always a good thing to have the official know-how from the developers and who better than CCP Mimic to give us the official low down…