*LIVE* Massive Fight in Black Rise *LIVE
A massive fight seems to be going down between the CFC and Snuff box/Northern Coalition/Pandemic legion! The fight is located at a Thullium moon which the CFC is trying to take. Here’s a livestream of the battle: Watch live video from ChocolateRahne on www.twitch.tv
Submission: Rooks and Kings: Gridline Bombing (One Night Only)
A Goodbye to Gridline. Those curious about other fronts might be interested in today’s write-up here With the grid system undergoing dramatic changes in December 2015, we take time out to give a brief and final airing to a long developed weapon, hours before the window of opportunity closes.
Providence: Battle of D-GTMI
D-GTMI system, Providence region. On the 26th of December at 19:00 EVE Standard Time, Providence Bloc forces engaged Pandemic Legion [-10.0] in a long and arduous battle over the system’s station. The battle was sparked after the system’s infrastructure hub and station were reinforced by Pandemic Horde [REKTD] in order to provoke a fight. With…
Submission: Hurricane 1vs5 – Christmas Roam! [Solo PvP]
Roamed a bit on Christmas. Got blobbed twice, lost a Cane and Ferox, but got this fun fight to show for it Was worth it.
Watch These – Weekly Video Round Up #25 (Christmas Edition!)
Happy Christmas space friends! So while rolling around in gastronomic agony after stuffing my face with too much food and alcohol the only thing I could do was trawl through YouTube to find some Christmas eve videos! #1 Hurricane 1vs5 – Christmas Roam [Solo PvP] by Solo PvP A little solo Christmas brawl! #2…
GalNet Weekly Expansion List
Each week, GalNet presents a list of 10 of the 1,651 minor factions currently expanding into new systems. Thiana United Group Regir Purple Legal PLC Revolutionary HR 6649 Republic Party Alliance of Cileni LP 694-16 Crimson Legal Ind Green Party o…
GalNet Weekly Conflict Report
This weekly transmission lists some of the systems currently in conflict around the galaxy, based on the latest data. Here are 10 of the 12,630 minor factions involved in a civil war: HIP 19808 Electronics Commodities Social HIP 19808 Green Party U…
Star Citizen Alpha 2.1 Available!
Star Citizen Alpha 2.1 Available…
Around the Verse
Have Yourself A Merry Little EVE-Mas
Merry Eve-Mas everybody! Video: Hendrick Tallardar Song: Sindel Pellion