Month: October 2015

  • EN24 10bil Giveaway: And The Winner is…..!

    Last night, EN24 announced that we would be giving away 10billion isk to a random person. In order to win you had to do the following: WIN 10BIL BY Tweeting me: @Evenews24 #1 <3 Tomorrow at 10 eve time I will draw a random name and annouch the winner #tweetfleet — Bobmon (@BobmonEve) 11 oktober…

  • Spectre Fleet Forms New Alliance

    Spectre Fleet, a Not Purple Shoot It (or NPSI) organisation has been leading the way in running open fleets since January 2014. Originally conceptualised by co-founders Jayne Fillon and Nonnak Sverin to fill a gap in the open fleet community. At the time the most prominent open fleet community was Bombers Bar, who have for…

  • Low Sec Rumble: Ambush in Vevelonel

    Vevelonel system, Solitude region. In the early hours of the 11th of October, a Psychotic Tendencies. [TISHU] fleet was ambushed by forces belonging to Pandemic Legion [-10.0] and DropBear Sanctuary [-DROP]. DropBear Sanctuary had been harassed by Psychotic Tendencies. before. Looking for allies, they reached out and contacted Pandemic Legion offering to act as bait…

  • Low Sec Rumble: Pandemonium in Agoze

    Agoze system, Placid region. On the 10th of October at 20:00 EVE Standard Time, Pandemic Legion [-10.0], Northern Coalition. [NC] and Pandemic Horde [REKTD] forces clashed with Spectre Fleet in the system. The battle began after Spectre Fleet formed up a large Battlecruiser fleet in the Stacmon system of Placid. Spectre Fleet managed to reach…

  • Who is Funding Emperor’s Dawn?

    As the war between the Empire and Emperor’s Dawn continues, an increasing number of political commentators are asking the question: where does the organisation get its money? Since the military campaign began, the Empire has expended substantial resou…

  • Battle Report Round Up #4

    The passing week supplied quite a few videos immortalizing conflicts around New Eden. This is a round up of those battles: 3/10 Paisti Syndicate versus Drone Regions Federation   Paisti Syndicate [PSY] continues to fight against the Drone Regions Federation (DRF) in the LXQ2-T system in Etherium Reach, bringing its signature Ishtar Heavy Assault Cruiser…

  • CIG Replay: CitizenCon 2015 Livestream

    Here’s the entire presentation from CitizenCon 2015, including the Persistent Universe demo, cast reveal and Morrow tour!

  • Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #16

    Apologies for this week’s round up being a little late! But it’s that time of the week where I have spent hours upon hours of trawling through YouTube and to bring you the BEST (well, in my opinion anyway) videos that the Eve Community has to offer. So here we go! #1 Eve Online:…

  • #EVE_NT Collides Round 1 – Hard Knocks vs Shadow Cartel Preview

    #EVE_NT Collides opening weekend is upon us with the first match Sunday 11th of October at 19:00 UTC which can be watched via one of the following methods: The Official #EVE_NT Collides website  The Twitch Streaming website Or via the website This month’s opening match will be between Hard Knocks and Shadow Cartel. Let’s take…

  • Monthly Studio Report

    Here is what we have been up to the past month!