Shaking Up the Meta
This is an opinion piece written by EVE News 24 writer Psychicmuffin – his views are his own and may not necessarily represent the views of EVE News 24 or its staff. CCP have announced a LOT of new things in the past few weeks. Even before Eve Vegas we were given new info about…
Crowd Science Coming To Eve Online
Modern science can use cutting edge computers and technology with which to interpret unimaginable amounts of data across all fields. However, despite computers having simply mind blowing calculating abilities, there are certain limitations a computer cannot overcome. In these instances a human eye and brain is needed to analyse the information. Unfortunately, with the vast…
Scalding Pass: Massacre at 1QZ-Y9
1QZ-Y9 system, Scalding Pass region. On the 30th of October at 17:00 EVE Standard Time, Northern Coalition. [NC] forces suffered a crushing defeat by Red Menace Coalition (RMC) forces in the system. The battle began when Phoebe Freeport Republic [PFR] reinforced a tower belonging to Advent of Fate [CORD] in the system. Phoebe Freeport Republic…
Parallax Patch Notes Released
FEATURES & CHANGES : Audio: Added a a jukebox feature (a checkbox) in the audio menu to allow players to opt out of the dynamic music system and just play the old jukebox playlist that came out with the game in 2003. Published a new theme song for Parallax. Graphics: The graphics settings menu now…
November Player Meets And Events
The final official CCP event of the year is now behind us with Eve Vegas all wrapped up. But just because the bigger player events are now over it doesn’t mean there aren’t any events to look forward to this month. This month one of the largest player run Event in the eve calender Eve…
GalNet Weekly Expansion List
Each week, GalNet presents a list of 10 of the 5,088 minor factions currently expanding into new systems. Niflhel Guardians of Tradition BD+53 912 for Equality Bast Holdings Kraunaha Interstellar Vanayequi Independents Apalar Labour Sicusha Gold…
Amarr Championships: Time to Rule (Schedule and Rules)
Welcome contenders and capsuleers alike! The Amarr Championships are upon us. To help guide you through one of the most sacred events to the Amarr Empire, here are some details on the upcoming schedule and rules. Schedule of Sanctity The initial two rounds of the Amarr Championship will take place on the 8th, 14th and…
Low Sec Rumble: The Battle of Jan
Jan system, Lonetrek region. On the 30th of October at 21:00 EVE Standard Time, Imperium forces clashed with Project.Mayhem. [16-13] over a tower in the system. The tower belonging to Tactical Narcotics Team [TNT] was reinforced by Project.Mayhem. and the Imperium was gearing up to protect it. The Imperium mustered approximately 300 pilots divided into…
Vendetta Online 1.8.357-358
Deneb Run this weekend! Check the in-game Event Information!VO 1.8.357-358 included:- Fixed rendering issue with fog on Android.- Added setting to toggle fog blob particles on Android. The setting defaults to on for Android 5 and above, and for higher-end Tegra and Snapdragon devices. The setting is at Options -> Advanced -> Graphics -> Show…
PK Farming wrap-up.
This is a final note that we are, for the moment, wrapping up our investigations in historical “PK farming”, or the process of cheating to increase the PK stat by repeatedly killing a drone “alt” running on another account (in some cases, thousands of …