Month: February 2015

  • No Man’s Sky at GDC

    Are you going to GDC? If so, we can recommend some hot art talks. We’re keeping a low profile at the moment so we can put all we’ve got into continuing to make No Man’s Sky, but we’ve let our art director Grant out to talk about it, just this once. He’ll be showing some glimpses of…

  • Nominated for Designs of the Year 2015

    OK, wow, No Man’s Sky is nominated for a Designs of the Year 2015 award from the Design Museum in London! It’s one of 76 things selected from across all architecture, digital, fashion, graphics and products by a bunch of design experts. This is definitely something we never foresaw ever happening like ever! There’s only…

  • Film making

    Just as we were setting out for PlayStation Experience in December we saw the most amazing video, made by Mat Hill, called What’s a No Man’s Sky. It blew us away that someone so talented would make a live-action fan video filled with special effects for No Man’s Sky. It’s also funny, and it feels like…