EVE Onlines Facebook-Pinnwand 2014-05-29 16:58:22
Dev Blog: Introducing The Mordu’s Legion Fleetcommunity.eveonline.comCheck out the latest Dev Blog by CCP Rise, which introduces the new Mordu’s Legion fleet!
We appreciate him coming out to Fanfest, but not trying to force our devs close…
We appreciate him coming out to Fanfest, but not trying to force our devs close to the deadly edge of tall places or to reveal our hidden pact with elves.What are Games Journalists Really Thinking?We sent our real games journalist to the EVE Fanfest in…
#STO Maintenance is now complete! Thanks for your patience. We’ll see you back i…
#STO Maintenance is now complete! Thanks for your patience. We’ll see you back in-game!
EVE Onlines Facebook-Pinnwand 2014-05-29 15:40:36
Dev Blog: Coming In Kronos, Part IIcommunity.eveonline.comCheck out CCP Seagull’s new Dev Blog, which sheds some light on more stuff that’s coming with the Kronos release next Tuesday!
Status report – May, 2014
It’s been a little more than a month since we’ve launched on Steam, and we’re closing in on 2 months past our payment model change, so it’s high time to do a quick assessment on where we stand, and where we’re going. Fresh blood The best news I can tell you is of course that…
Our weekly scheduled #STO maintenance has begun! We expect downtime to last for…
Our weekly scheduled #STO maintenance has begun! We expect downtime to last for 4 hours and will post again once it is complete. Thanks!
EVE Onlines Facebook-Pinnwand 2014-05-29 12:57:23
Developer Spotlight: CCP FoxFourcommunity.eveonline.comCheck out our latest Developer Spotlight, this time shining the limelight on CCP FoxFour!
Developer Spotlight: FoxFour
When he’s not busy watching hockey or eating maple syrup, the developer known as CCP Soxfour is – *vicious beating sounds* Ahem, excuse me. I have been informed that opening sentence is highly offensive, so I must rework it. *adjusts robe* Let us try that again… When he’s not busy eating maple syrup or eating…
Patch notes for Rubicon 1.4
Patch notes for EVE Online: Rubicon 1.4.7 Released on Wednesday, May 28th, 2014 CHANGES Localization Added localized strings for the tooltip and bracket list delay options in the Esc menu. User Interface Tooltips for entries in lists (such as contract listings or skills in the character sheet) now anchor on the left side of the…
Greetings Captains! We will be performing this week’s scheduled maintenance tomo…
Greetings Captains! We will be performing this week’s scheduled maintenance tomorrow, May 29th, at 6AM PDT. Downtime is estimated at 4 hours, and patch notes can be found here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1129241 When is that in your timezone? Find out here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20140529T06&p1=224 Thanks for your patience and understanding!