EVE Onlines Facebook-Pinnwand 2014-05-04 12:16:52
Thanks for the amazing Fanfest! While every cell in our bodies may be in pain th…
Thanks for the amazing Fanfest! While every cell in our bodies may be in pain thanks to dancing and celebration, all our hearts are overwhelmed with the awesome that is our fans. See you next March! o7
EVE Onlines Facebook-Pinnwand 2014-05-03 18:38:10
https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-ash3/t1.0-1/p100x100/181624_191693580851868_3064726_a.jpgCCP GamesFanfest next year March 19-21st!
EVE Onlines Facebook-Pinnwand 2014-05-03 18:28:05
EVE: Online – The Prophecy (Fanfest 2014 Trailer)Since the dawn of man, knowledge has always come at a price. There are those who believe the cost is justified, that what can be learned or gained outweighs …
The Gallente armada will soon come to pilots in the form of two awesome ship mod…
The Gallente armada will soon come to pilots in the form of two awesome ship models! Industry leaders Project Triforce and Quantum Mechanix will produce top tier models of the Gallente Nyx and the Gallente Megathron! Watch this space for details.
Just announced at Fanfest two new projects from CCP and Dark Horse comics! EVE:…
Just announced at Fanfest two new projects from CCP and Dark Horse comics! EVE: Valkyrie comics and The Art of the EVE Universe book coming to Dark Horse Digital and comic book stores soon!
The French Language is coming to EVE Online!!!
The French Language is coming to EVE Online!!!
EVE Vegas (17-19 Oct) and EVE Down Under (21-23) are coming back. Get tickets fo…
EVE Vegas (17-19 Oct) and EVE Down Under (21-23) are coming back. Get tickets for EVE Vegas now at www.evevegas.com and EVE Down Under soon!Eve Vegas :: Homewww.evevegas2.comEve Vegas 2014 will be bringing Senior Developers, to Las Vegas, Nevada to talk about the future of Eve Online along with some of the best players in…
CCP Presents about to blast off. Some epic videos and more coming your way. Tune in
CCP Presents about to blast off. Some epic videos and more coming your way. Tune inTwitchwww.twitch.tvTwitch