Hello Captains! Have you participated in the latest #STO poll yet? If not, make…
Hello Captains! Have you participated in the latest #STO poll yet? If not, make sure to do so here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=835111 ‘The Krenim’ are currently in the lead with 43.3% of the votes.
Corpmates Kastantus Suria and Aktar Esil mine passionately together. #mackinaaaa…
Corpmates Kastantus Suria and Aktar Esil mine passionately together. #mackinaaaaawwww!!!EVE Online – Player Made Art/Screens
What would you do if you saw this? WHAT WOULD YOU DO?!!!
What would you do if you saw this? WHAT WOULD YOU DO?!!!EVE is Real?
It’s the weekend in New Eden. What are you doing or do you have planned?
It’s the weekend in New Eden. What are you doing or do you have planned?
#STO Executive Producer Daniel Stahl checks in to recap and provide commentary o…
#STO Executive Producer Daniel Stahl checks in to recap and provide commentary on last month’s poll here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=966741 Also, don’t forget to follow the link to the forum post at the bottom of the article to participate in our latest poll!
We’ve added 6 images to the #STO gallery! Information about the Voth and Dyson S…
We’ve added 6 images to the #STO gallery! Information about the Voth and Dyson Sphere will be revealed as we get closer to Season 8’s release. Check out all 6 full-size images here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/media/screenshots
Chribba made a Talwar made of you. A lot of you! Check it out http://eve-online….
Chribba made a Talwar made of you. A lot of you! Check it out http://eve-online.in/faces/talwar/EVE Online – Player Made Art/Screens
Surprisingly obvious truth?! The guys at High Drag Podcast (http://highdrag.word…
Surprisingly obvious truth?! The guys at High Drag Podcast (http://highdrag.wordpress.com/) are great, and so is the gentleman on the right, who streams at http://www.twitch.tv/lokoforloki/EVE Player Creations
The team at Trek Radio has posted the recording of the Denise Crosby Panel that…
The team at Trek Radio has posted the recording of the Denise Crosby Panel that took place the weekend before last at the Star Trek Las Vegas convention. Check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z1WhQfdbGw NOTE: This video includes partial v…
Custom probe formations you say?!
Custom probe formations you say?!Probe Scanning improvements in Odyssey 1.1 – EVE Communitycommunity.eveonline.comEve Online is the world’s largest MMO RPG universe rich in adventure, as player corporations compete in a massively multiplayer online space game.