Alliance Tournament XI auction ends at midnight
The silent auction for a spot in the 11th Alliance Tournament ends tonight at midnight, 23:59 UTC on June 16. There is still time to have a chance at participating in the biggest competitive tournament in EVE Online. If your alliance still hasn’t entered a bid, contact your alliance executor or team captain and demand that…
Tranquility Connectivity Issues – 23:15 UTC – June 15, 2013
The Tranquility cluster is currently experiencing several network issues that began at approximately 23:15 UTC on Saturday June 15th, 2013. Our engineers are currently working on resolving these issues, please see this thread for further updates re…
CSM8 Town Hall on June 16 at 1900 EVE time
The 8th Council of Stellar Management (CSM8) will be holding its first Town Hall on June 16 at 1900 EVE time. This is an excellent opportunity to speak with your elected representatives to CCP on matters that you feel are important in New Eden. CSM8 …
Alliance Tournament XI Silent Auction Now Live
The random draw for Alliance Tournament XI was streamed live yesterday through CCP Games Twitch.tv channel. The VOD from the draw can be seen here, and the results of the draw can be seen here. From today to 23:59 UTC on June 16th, we will accept b…
Tranquility Connectivity Issues – 01:00 UTC – June 12, 2013
The Tranquility cluster is currently experiencing several network issues that began at approximately 01:00 UTC on Wednesday June 12th, 2013. Our engineers are currently working on resolving these issues, however we may need to reboot Tranquility in…
Alliance Tournament XI random draw live at 17:00 UTC
Today at 17:00 UTC the Tournament Team will host the random draw for the 11th Alliance Tournament, where 32 lucky teams will be drawn straight into the tournament that will kick off on the 20th of July. Join us live at the CCP Games Twitch.tv chann…
Changes to the EVE Naming Policy
We have made some small edits to our “EVE Online User and Character Name Policy” for the purpose of clarifying a few things and also to establish the fact that the policy includes all player named entities, not just character names.&…
Steam Macintosh Client Status Update
We apologize to all our Mac users who have purchased EVE Online: Odyssey via Steam and are currently unable to play. The Mac client for integration with Steam is currently in testing, which will be completed as soon as possible. We hope to deliver th…
Pre-Odyssey Advanced Military Career Arcs in progress to be reset
We recently discovered an issue where players who started the Advanced Military Career Arc prior to the deployment of the EVE Odyssey expansion are receiving the generic Destroyers skillbook upon completion of the 8th mission in the arc rather than t…
EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0 to be deployed June 4 at 08:00 UTC
EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0 will be deployed on Tuesday, June 4 during an extended downtime. The downtime is scheduled to begin at 08:00 UTC and run until 13:40 UTC. This downtime will run longer than normal because Odyssey is bringing a number of change…