We are having an in-game Boxing Ground PvP Event this week! More information can…
We are having an in-game Boxing Ground PvP Event this week! More information can be found through the link below. We hope to see you all there!Boxing Ground PvP Event – February 13th – 2 Timeslots (GMT and PST/EST) – Star Trek Onlinesto-forum.perfectwo…
Heading to the official Star Trek and Sci-Fi Summit in Los Angeles this weekend?…
Heading to the official Star Trek and Sci-Fi Summit in Los Angeles this weekend? Check out the article linked below to learn about how you can obtain a special in-game Duty Officer and character title for attending!Grand Slam Los Angelessto.perfectworl…
Cheers from the EVE London Veto Corp meet up this past Saturday.
Cheers from the EVE London Veto Corp meet up this past Saturday.
Star Trek.com has posted a Guest Blog that recaps the outstanding Foundry missio…
Star Trek.com has posted a Guest Blog that recaps the outstanding Foundry missions that were spotlighted throughout the last few months.Foundry Spotlight Recapsto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-to-Play MMO that puts you in the center o…
Hello Captains! Where do you choose to go when on shore leave?
Hello Captains! Where do you choose to go when on shore leave?
Mass test on Tuesday, February 12th
Our next public mass test will happen on our test server Singularity on Tuesday at 19:00 UTC (= EVE-time). We are planning to stress-test a fix for a camera issue during large fleet fights, which resulted in grey screens. All participants wil…
Did you lose a ship today? Be honest!
Did you lose a ship today? Be honest!
In part one of a supplemental episode of Priority One Podcast, Lead Designer Al…
In part one of a supplemental episode of Priority One Podcast, Lead Designer Al "CaptainGeko" Rivera stops by to answer community submitted questions. Listen now through the link below.Priority One Supplemental Interviewsto.perfectworld.comPl…
This week’s spotlighted mission is “Storm Clouds” by drkfrontiers. Check out the…
This week's spotlighted mission is "Storm Clouds" by drkfrontiers. Check out the article through the link below to learn about this incredible player-made mission that is part of an epic 5-mission series.Spotlight on the Foundrysto.perfe…
Hello Captains! If you could play the role of First Officer to any of the great…
Hello Captains! If you could play the role of First Officer to any of the great Star Trek Captains out there, whose command would you be under?