STOked Chats with the Devs
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Workaround for players experiencing issues with the EVE launcher
Workaround for players experiencing issues with the EVE launcherEVE Online | EVE Insidercommunity.eveonline.comCyrillic characters in the EVE install path name cause the EVE Launcher to throw an error and not continue with patching the client
Workaround for players experiencing problems with the EVE Launcher
Cyrillic characters in the EVE install path name cause the EVE Launcher to throw an error and not continue with patching the client. We are working hard on resolving this issue and will publish an update with instructions once it is out. There…
“You want to feel connected… you want to feel like you are a participant in th…
"You want to feel connected… you want to feel like you are a participant in the goings on of activities and events around you…" We are proud that the most important goal of EVE's design addresses the powerful words and emotions expr…
EVE Online: Crucible 1.5 has been deployed
EVE Online: Crucible 1.5 has been deployed successfully. Crucible 1.5 introduces the new launcher for EVE Online, new rookie ship models, several new DED complexes, as well as numerous watch list and UI improvements. Full patch notes are availab…
The Buddy Program: An extended trial and cool new rookie ships
Crucible 1.5 has gone live, and it has brought with it a set of sleek redesigned rookie ships, giving new players to EVE about the coolest looking starter gear in MMOs. Players looking to bring a friend into the EVE universe get to see their budd…
In a recent interview, Subspace Radio sat down to talk with Star Trek Online Exe…
In a recent interview, Subspace Radio sat down to talk with Star Trek Online Executive Producer Dan Stahl. Listen to the recording through the link below.Dan Stahl interview with Subspace Radiowww.subspace-radio.net
Subspace Radio Interviews dStahl
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Tranquility reboot on Tuesday, March 13
Tranquility will be taken down for an emergency reboot at 17:30 UTC on March 13 to resolve issues with unexpected node deaths. The scheduled downtime is 15 minutes, TQ will open again at 17:45 UTC. We apologize for any inconvenience.
“maybe ransom… but probably kill them”
"maybe ransom… but probably kill them"EVE Online – Its A Bad World (Gary Jules – Mad World)www.youtube.comOkay, so I heard the original at work and thought i would change the lyrics for EVE! Its just meant for fun so no flaming 😛 If you wa…