Milestone reached
The Perpetuum team is very glad to announce that in the short month since the game has officially launched, we’ve reached 15.000 months of sold game time. We’re very happy with these results as they guarantee that the game we’ve worked so hard on will…
Perpetuum in French on January 13!
We’re glad to announce that C2C Games, an independent video game publisher will be distributing Perpetuum in France. Naturally, most players like to play Perpetuum in their native language, so the game client will be fully translated to French and …
Payment via Moneybookers now available
We would like to announce that beside PayPal it is now also possible to buy Perpetuum game codes through Moneybookers. Hopefully this second option should provide a viable alternative to those who couldn’t use PayPal for various reasons. If you’…
New Game of the Year nominations!
We’re very glad to inform you that Perpetuum is amongst the nominees for the New Game of the Year 2010 voting on mmorpg.com and mmorpg-center. These sites both have a yearly tradition of asking their readers to vote on the MMO crop of the year in seve…