Category: Vendetta Online

  • Development Status Update

    Hi Everyone. It’s been a few weeks since we’ve posted much in the way of news or updates, and I wanted to check in real quick and bring you all up to date with what’s been going on.Among other things, E3 was last week in Los Angeles (the Electronic Ent…

  • Vendetta Online 1.8.253-254

    VO 1.8.253-154 includes:- Increased conquerable stations’ capture timeout from 2 minutes to 5 minutes.- Adjustments to several weapon-based trade routes.- Virtual keyboard preserves the currently-entered text if it is closed by a non-user action. For e…

  • Vendetta Online 1.8.251-252

    VO 1.8.251-252 up to tonight includes:Tonight:- Conquerable Station defense-turret armor reduced from 450k to 90k, making conquest an easier prospect.*** Vendetta 1.8.252- Improved game controller support for Android (including Ouya). Changed some of the default analog binds for new installations. For specifics of device support (including flightsticks), see the new sticky thread on the Android…

  • Vendetta Online 1.8.250

    VO 1.8.250 includes:- Fixed issues with low framerate on all platforms when getting damaged repeatedly, shooting ammo-based weapons, or collecting ore.- Added tilt calibration menu in Options->Advanced->Controller-> Accelerometer for accelerometer-enabled devices (iPad and WinRT devices need to wait for an update in their respective stores).- Added Premium In-App product purchases for iOS and Android versions.-…

  • Vendetta Online released for the iPad!

    We’re proud to announce that iOS has joined the family of platforms supported by Vendetta Online, launching today for the iPad2 or newer (including the Mini!), with at least iOS 5.x. Those interested may immediately obtain the game from the iPad App St…

  • Server Maintenance, April 6th and 7th

    In preparation for the upcoming launch of Vendetta Online for iPad, we’re doing some server architecture testing which may result in sporadic outages over the coming weekend. In particular, outages are likely between 10am and Noon central time on Satur…

  • Vendetta Online 1.8.244

    VO 1.8.244 includes:- Initial mission list updates are much faster now.- Error message when attempting to create a guild on a Lite Mode account.- Fixed some UI issues with large fonts.- Faction logo in station menu is now clickable. The faction’s descr…

  • Vendetta Online launches Kickstarter!

    Yes, you read that correctly. After several threads of suggestions from the userbase, prodding us to do this, we built an extensive Kickstarter Campaign to support a launch of the game on the iPad, plus the VO 1.9 milestone late in the year. If this is…

  • Vendetta Online 1.8.242

    VO 1.8.242 includes:- Fixed wrong login menu being shown if you log in with a normal account and you had created a one-click account.- Added Local Faction standing to targeted player info menu.- Added ability to turn on/off complex shaders on Android v…

  • Vendetta Online 1.8.241

    VO 1.8.241 includes:- Fixed delivery missions so they now take items from your inventory without you having to launch and dock again.- Fixed Android virtual keyboard being too long if the text being edited is too long. Added right/left arrow buttons to…