Greetings Captains! We will be performing this week’s scheduled maintenance tomo…
Greetings Captains! We will be performing this week’s scheduled maintenance tomorrow, August 15th, at 7AM PDT. Downtime is estimated at 2.5 hours, and patch notes can be found here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=825681
Our FAQ for the Elachi Lock Box is live! Check it out here: http://sto-forum.per…
Our FAQ for the Elachi Lock Box is live! Check it out here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/announcement.php?a=101
Hello Captains! Which items that were announced in the Elachi Lock Box, as well…
Hello Captains! Which items that were announced in the Elachi Lock Box, as well as in the new Lobi Store additions, are your favorites?
Our latest Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog has just been posted! Learn more details a…
Our latest Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog has just been posted! Learn more details about the new Elachi Lock Box and Lobi ships here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/blog/?p=958451
Day 3 of our #STO Summer Giveaway is LIVE! Full details about the items and clai…
Day 3 of our #STO Summer Giveaway is LIVE! Full details about the items and claiming instructions can be found here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=958341
Make sure to take advantage of our Master Key sale (ends at 10AM PDT on Monday,…
Make sure to take advantage of our Master Key sale (ends at 10AM PDT on Monday, August 19, 2013) to prepare for the upcoming Elachi Lock Box, or for our ‘Last Chance Promotion’! Details here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=952341
In a supplemental episode of Priority One Podcast, the crew reports in from Star…
In a supplemental episode of Priority One Podcast, the crew reports in from Star Trek Las Vegas on the restored bridge of the ENTERPRISE-D and chats with some of the #STO Devs in attendance. Listen to it here: http://priorityonepodcast.com/priority-one…
Our brothers and sisters at Neverwinter are livestreaming for 24 hours to benefi…
Our brothers and sisters at Neverwinter are livestreaming for 24 hours to benefit Child’s Play. Check it out here: http://www.twitch.tv/perfectworld_community24-Hour Neverwinter Child’s Play Marathon!nw.perfectworld.comDungeons & Dragons Neverwinter, a Free-to-Play MMO based on the D&D roleplaying game and packed with epic tales and adventure.
Our latest Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog has just been posted! Learn details about…
Our latest Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog has just been posted! Learn details about the upcoming Elachi Lock Box here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/blog/?p=957771
Day 2 of our #STO Summer Giveaway is LIVE! Full details about the item and claim…
Day 2 of our #STO Summer Giveaway is LIVE! Full details about the item and claiming instructions can be found here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=957411