In a recent supplemental episode of the Sunday G and T Show that was recorded fr…
In a recent supplemental episode of the Sunday G and T Show that was recorded from the STLV convention floor, Terry interviewed Lead Designer Al “CaptainGeko” Rivera. Listen in here: http://www.gandtshow.com/?p=2908
Hi Captains! Did you know that you can earn free ZEN for #STO by completing spec…
Hi Captains! Did you know that you can earn free ZEN for #STO by completing special offers? Visit our official website to learn more: http://offers.perfectworld.com/ Based on your feedback, we’ve made our OfferWall better than ever! Still have questions or concerns? Check out this blog with answers: http://www.perfectworld.com/news/?p=932201
The #STO team is pleased to present this spotlight video that features many of t…
The #STO team is pleased to present this spotlight video that features many of the new Elachi Lock Box and Lobi items. Read more about them and other new items in this Dev Blog (http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=957771) and in our FAQ (http://sto-for…
MOG Nation Gaming recently sat down to talk to Executive Producer Daniel Stahl a…
MOG Nation Gaming recently sat down to talk to Executive Producer Daniel Stahl about #STO. Read the interview here: http://www.mognation.com/Articles-detail/star-trek-online-interview-daniel-stahl/
We just added some new wallpapers to the #STO gallery! Download the new Elachi L…
We just added some new wallpapers to the #STO gallery! Download the new Elachi Lock Box wallpapers today here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/media/wallpapers
Massively.com’s #STO Columnist Terilynn Shull recently visited Cryptic Studios t…
Massively.com’s #STO Columnist Terilynn Shull recently visited Cryptic Studios to talk to the team. In this week’s Captain’s Log entry, she writes about her interview with Lead Writer Christine Thompson. Read the column here: http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/08/26/captains-log-interview-with-star-trek-onlines-christine-thomp/
We are having an in-game #STO Community Pub Quiz Event this week! We hope to see…
We are having an in-game #STO Community Pub Quiz Event this week! We hope to see you all there! More information can be found here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=837981
We are putting the command codes in your hands, Captains! Cast your vote today f…
We are putting the command codes in your hands, Captains! Cast your vote today for our upcoming Lobi Store promotion. Check out the details in this article: http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=967101 UPDATE (8/26/13 @1:33PM PDT)! Voting ends tomorrow, Tuesday, August 27 at 2PM PDT instead of Wednesday, August 28 at 11:59AM PDT. We’ve updated the blog with this…
Hello Captains! Have you participated in the latest #STO poll yet? If not, make…
Hello Captains! Have you participated in the latest #STO poll yet? If not, make sure to do so here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=835111 ‘The Krenim’ are currently in the lead with 43.3% of the votes.
#STO Executive Producer Daniel Stahl checks in to recap and provide commentary o…
#STO Executive Producer Daniel Stahl checks in to recap and provide commentary on last month’s poll here: http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=966741 Also, don’t forget to follow the link to the forum post at the bottom of the article to participate in our latest poll!