In a supplemental episode of Priority One Podcast, Game Designer Jesse Heinig st…
In a supplemental episode of Priority One Podcast, Game Designer Jesse Heinig stops by to talk about the Feature Episodes, as well as provide a video and audio walkthrough of the Breen episode, "Cold Case". Check out the interview through the…
Hello Captains! Happy New Year! What are you most looking forward to in STO in 2…
Hello Captains! Happy New Year! What are you most looking forward to in STO in 2013?
From now until 10AM PST on Sunday, January 13th, we are having a 20% off sale on…
From now until 10AM PST on Sunday, January 13th, we are having a 20% off sale on all Star Trek Online costumes. Now is the perfect time to purchase that new uniform you have wanted to wear. Happy New Year!Winter Costume Salesto.perfectworld.comPlay S…
We’ve added a new screen to our screenshot gallery. The crew of the Enterprise-F…
We've added a new screen to our screenshot gallery. The crew of the Enterprise-F and the Star Trek Online team would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! We can’t wait for you to see what is planned for STO in 2013. Check out the image throu…
This week’s spotlighted mission is “A Klingon Honor Carol” by soriedem. Read the…
This week’s spotlighted mission is "A Klingon Honor Carol" by soriedem. Read the article through the link below to learn more about this incredible player-made mission.Spotlight on the Foundrysto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the F…
Hello Captains! Which First Officer from Star Trek would you most want under you…
Hello Captains! Which First Officer from Star Trek would you most want under your command as your First Officer?
Tier 5 and Tier 3 Heavy Cruisers (Excelsior Class) are available to Federation R…
Tier 5 and Tier 3 Heavy Cruisers (Excelsior Class) are available to Federation Rear Admirals and Commanders respectively. Check out the article through the link below to learn more about them and purchase them from the C-Store today.Featured Ships: The…
A new Star Trek Online Literary Challenge has been posted! Check out “New Year’s…
A new Star Trek Online Literary Challenge has been posted! Check out "New Year's Resolutions" and participate through the link below.Literary Challenge #35 : New Year's Resolutions – Star Trek Onlinesto-forum.perfectworld.com Litera…
We are happy to announce that from now until Monday, December 24, 2012 (3:00 PM…
We are happy to announce that from now until Monday, December 24, 2012 (3:00 PM PST), players will receive an additional 15% bonus when purchasing ZEN through select payment processors.* | *Full details can be found in the article through the link belo…
We’ve added a new screenshot to our screenshot gallery. Happy Holidays from Q, h…
We've added a new screenshot to our screenshot gallery. Happy Holidays from Q, his minions, and the entire Star Trek Online team! Check out the image through the link below.Friday Screenshot Availablesto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the …