A new Star Trek Online Literary Challenge has been posted! Check out “Lone Drone…
A new Star Trek Online Literary Challenge has been posted! Check out "Lone Drone" and participate through the link below.Literary Challenge #39 : Lone Drone – Star Trek Onlinesto-forum.perfectworld.comLiterary Challenge #39 : Lone Drone Ten F…
Kumari, Charal or Khyzon: which will you be flying?
Kumari, Charal or Khyzon: which will you be flying?
Our latest Dev Blog reveals the stats for the upcoming Kumari Line of Andorian E…
Our latest Dev Blog reveals the stats for the upcoming Kumari Line of Andorian Escorts! Read it now through the link below. All three Andorian Escorts will be available in the C-Store for individual sale (2500 ZEN) or as a 3-pack bundle (5000 ZEN) thi…
Ship Artist JamJamz just shared details about the process behind designing the u…
Ship Artist JamJamz just shared details about the process behind designing the upcoming Andorian Kumari Escorts! Read about it now in the Dev Blog linked below.Season 7 Dev Blog #37sto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-to-Play MMO that pu…
Hello Captains! If you could add one playable ship to STO, which would it be?
Hello Captains! If you could add one playable ship to STO, which would it be?
Thanks to our friends at the Star Trek.com Shop, we’re excited to offer Star Tre…
Thanks to our friends at the Star Trek.com Shop, we're excited to offer Star Trek Online fans the chance to win a Star Trek Into Darkness Movie Poster*! *Rules and restrictions apply, read the article through the link below for full details.StarTr…
In part two of a supplemental episode of Priority One Podcast, Lead Designer Al…
In part two of a supplemental episode of Priority One Podcast, Lead Designer Al "CaptainGeko" Rivera stops by to answer community submitted questions. Listen now through the link below.Priority One Supplemental Interviewsto.perfectworld.comPl…
We have just released the latest Ask Cryptic! Check it out now through the link…
We have just released the latest Ask Cryptic! Check it out now through the link below.Ask Cryptic: February 2013sto.perfectworld.comPlay Star Trek Online, the Free-to-Play MMO that puts you in the center of the Star Trek universe!
Details about the Kumari Line of Andorian Escorts will be revealed next week! In…
Details about the Kumari Line of Andorian Escorts will be revealed next week! In the meantime, check out our awesome new Friday Screenshot.
Hello Captains! In what year do you predict warp drive will be invented?
Hello Captains! In what year do you predict warp drive will be invented?