Senior Gameplay Engineer Mark Abent discovers a bug that causes a crash when players exit spectator mode. Can Mark smash this bug? Watch and find out.
Plain Truth: Collateral Damage
Parker Terrell examines HuXa to try and understand exactly what’s included in the proposed Human-Xi’an trade initiative.
This Week in Star Citizen
Citizens of the Stars
Year 5 Subscriber Perks Update!
We are kicking off the Year Five perks for Star Citizen’s development subscriber program!
Around the Verse
Sandi Gardiner and Forrest Stephan share how MegaMap improves playability in Star Citizen, while Eric Davis stops by with the Los Angeles studio update. And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/subscr…
Loremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Mining Rocks: March 2947
This month’s Shubin employee newsletter focuses on all things gas as well as introduces some important new health policies.
Mining Rocks: March 2947
This month’s Shubin employee newsletter focuses on all things gas as well as introduces some important new health policies.
Citizens of the Stars