Loremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Archivist Cherie Heiberg tours the protoplanetary disk that is the Kallis System. Get the science behind this forming system and the story about why the UEE is so keen to study it. Remember that you can always explore the Star Citizen Universe yo…
Empire Report: HuXa Protests
On this edition of the Empire Report, Beck Russum takes a look at the protests surrounding next week’s Human-Xi’an Trade Initiative vote.
This Week in Star Citizen
Citizens of the Stars
Around the Verse
Sean Tracy and Josh Herman host this week’s Around the Verse, which features an update from our German office and a Ship Shape segment focused on the Aegis Eclipse. And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/subscriptions
Q&A: Aegis Eclipse
Senior Gameplay Engineer Mark Abent addresses a bug that has the shotgun recoiling before its deadly projectiles are fired. Can Mark smash this bug and improve the weapon’s accuracy?
Clean Shot: The Baker Backup
Craig Burton investigates the reasons behind a significant slowdown of traffic through customs in Baker and the effect it’s having on haulers across the Empire.
This Week in Star Citizen
Citizens of the Stars