This Week in Star Citizen
February 2948 Subscriber Flair
February 2948 Subscriber Flair…
Reverse the Verse LIVE
Tech Designers John Crewe and Andy Nicholson join us live from Foundry 42 UK to discuss all things ship balance in the followup to yesterday’s Around the Verse. To watch Reverse the Verse LIVE each and every week, tune into http://twitch.tv/…
Around the Verse
Loremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy
This Week in Star Citizen
Calling All Devs
Reverse the Verse LIVE
Star Citizen Live Director Todd Papy and Development Director Brian Chambers join us live from Foundry 42 DE to answer backer questions following yesterday’s ATV Studio Update. To watch Reverse the Verse LIVE each and every week, tune into h…
Monthly Studio Report: January 2018
Around the Verse
This week, we head to Foundry 42 in Frankfurt, Germany for our Monthly in-depth Studio Update. And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/subscriptions