Calling All Devs
Star Citizen Alpha 3.1.0
Star Citizen Scavenger Hunt
Jump Point Now Available!
Attention development subscribers: the March 2018 issue of Jump Point is now available in your subscription area.
Reverse the Verse LIVE
Character Art Director Josh Herman, Concept Artist Jeremiah Lee and Technical Artist Gaige Hallman discuss their work on the characters of Star Citizen and Squadron 42. To watch Reverse the Verse LIVE each and every week, tune into http://twitch.t…
Around the Verse
This week, Sean Tracy and Eric Kieron Davis host our latest Squadron 42 special, where we get a detailed project update and a look into the intricacies of Ship AI. And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pl…
Mark Abent doesn’t expect these bugs to talk, he expects them to die. And die they will, as this week, our resident Smash Master tackles a server/client issue that’s causing take-off problems.
The Cup: Part Two
Following a harrowing first stage of the Murray Cup, Hypatia Darring must navigate through dangerous obstacles both on and off the course to remain in contention.
This Week in Star Citizen
Calling All Devs