Category: No Man’s Sky

  • Next Generation Patch 3.13

    Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Next Generation Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes have been combined into patch 3.13, which will be……

  • Next Generation Patch 3.13

    Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Next Generation Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes have been combined into patch 3.13, which will be……

  • Next Generation Patch 3.12

    Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Next Generation Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes have been combined into patch 3.12, which will be……

  • No Man’s Sky: Next Generation Update

    Hello! We have been overwhelmed by the positive reaction of the community as travellers new and old have been exploring our last big update, No Man’s Sky Origins. Thank you all so much for your kind words and feedback, it was so satisfying for the team to watch your reaction. Hopefully this year has been……

  • Halloween Update

    Hello Everyone! Even though the drama, adventure and exotic colours of Origins are still fresh in our minds, as the nights have drawn in and the skies have darkened we can’t help but be drawn back to the lost ships and haunted wrecks of the Desolation update.     With Halloween around the corner, we……

  • Origins Patch 3.03

    Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Origins Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes have been combined into patch 3.03, which will be live……

  • Origins Patch 3.02

    Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Origins Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes have been combined into patch 3.02, which will be live……

  • Origins Development Update

    Hello Everyone! It’s been a while since our last development update blog, and we wanted to say a few more words about Origins, and take a moment to look at some of the recent community activity. We’ve released several major updates for No Man’s Sky this year – Living Ship, Exo Mech, Crossplay, and Desolation,……

  • Origins Patch 3.01

    Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Origins Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a terrain issue affecting a small number of players. This fix has been included in patch……

  • No Man’s Sky Origins Release

    Hello! We are excited to announce the release of the latest major update to No Man’s Sky today. We’re calling it the ORIGINS update and it’s out now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC (including VR).   It’s hard to believe that it’s been 4 years since we watched people all around the world……