Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories. Chief Inspector Kay Kilbride has been murdered by terrorist organisation the League of Reparation. The incident took place in the city of New Rossyth on Turner’s World. In the wake of Inspector Kilbride’s death, All…
Reverse the Verse LIVE
Founder and CEO Chris Roberts stops by to discuss topics ranging from Alpha 3.2, the upcoming Alpha 3.3, and the nature of today’s Star Citizen game development. To watch Reverse the Verse LIVE each and every week, tune into http://twitch.tv…
Jump Point Now Available!
Attention development subscribers: the June 2018 issue of Jump Point is now available in your subscription area.
Thargoid-Worshipping Cult Garners Hostility
Public reaction to a fringe religion that worships the Thargoids is one of mistrust and hostility, according to security reports. The nameless cult believes in the coming of the so-called Far God and the subsequent extinction of all humanity bar thems…
Alpha 3.2 Flyable Ships
Around the Verse
Get a look at some of the core tech and assets being worked on for Squadron 42, and how they’re factoring into development as well as the game itself.
Thargoid Assault on the Deciat System
An emergency report from Aegis confirms that the Thargoids have returned to the core systems with an incursion into the Deciat system. Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s chief military liaison, delivered this statement: “Following the Thargoids’ retreat, a…
Restoring Order in Fousang
Security forces in the Fousang system are reporting that criminal organisations in the area are executing more frequent and audacious raids on civilian traffic. Wing Commander Horatio Montange of Fousang security had this to say: “Our resources are …
Aegis Installation Operation Complete
The operation to support construction of an Aegis military facility in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 has reached a successful conclusion. Hundreds of pilots supported the initiative by delivering mined resources to The Oracle, and by protecting trader…
Colonia Scientific Installation Project
Scientists in Colonia have announced plans to build a scientific outpost in the system to monitor the region’s population and resources. Professor Alexei de la Vega, who is heading the project, published this statement: “Our recent study into the reg…