New Computer Designs Announced
Federal Times journalist Harlow Nassry has highlighted two new personal computer designs currently in development: “For a long time, the Sirius and Achilles corporations have been the main suppliers of personal computing devices, but two smaller compa…
Billionaire Wins Lottery
Renowned billionaire Zachary Rackham, owner of Rackham Capital Investments, has been confirmed as the winner of a lottery prize of one billion credits. Tori Theopolis, a spokesperson for the Federal Grand Lottery, announced: “Our annual galactic jack…
Eagle Eye Installations Offline
Admiral Aden Tanner has confirmed reports that Aegis’s Eagle Eye installations are offline. The development is the result of Thargoid-sensor related interference at Dantec Enterprise, home of Aegis Core, which has neutralised Aegis’s ability to transm…
Rogue Robot Located
A mining robot that went out of control on Homeland in the Beta Hydri system has been located and disabled. The MacArthur Mining Ltd DG090 machine disappeared after self-activating and tunnelling underground. It remained lost for several days before b…
Galactic Guide: Gurzil System
Learn about Gurzil, a developing system that some want to save and others exploit.
Starport Status Update
This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference. The following starports are currently closed: Caidin Base, Checha Chaviano Dock, Hapats Dantec Enterprise, Socho K…
This Week in Star Citizen
Calling All Devs
Dev Blog: EVE Online – Current Connectivity Issues & Troubleshooting
If you’d like to discuss this dev blog, you can do so in this forum thread. We are aware that a small number of our pilots are still suffering from connectivity issues after recent issues with the Tranquility cluster and several DDoS attacks. The reports we’ve been receiving range from simply not being able to…
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories. A ship transporting former rear admiral Riri McAllister has vanished. McAllister, also known as Nexus, was on trial for her crimes as the founder of terrorist group the League of Reparation. While it is likely that …