Category: News

  • The Sword that CCP wishes to fall on

    The Sword that CCP wishes to fall on As you are reading this, you’re probably aware of the shake-up that CCP has done with EVE Online. One of the largest shake ups in the game in recent history has been the Triglavian kick that CCP has been on fo…

  • Beyond – Release date confirmed

    Hello Everyone, We know that there is a lot of hunger out there for news and updates on No Man’s Sky. We’re very excited to be able to share more information from behind the scenes. Our next chapter No Man’s Sky: Beyond, is coming on August 14th!   Beyond will contain three major updates rolled……

  • Dev Blog: Update to Sales Taxes & Broker Fees

    As part of a number of changes over the course of the summer, we’re planning to make some alterations to sales taxes and brokers fees associated with the market. These changes will mean increases in sales taxes and brokers fees but will also include ch…

  • Open Letter to CCP Regarding Blackout

    ***(Definition of Krab: Someone whose main gameplay style is focused on ratting and mining. Their “PvP experience” is mostly orbiting an FC in a massive fleet and pressing F1. Their goal is to ensure they are as safe as possible in nullsec. Not to be c…

  • It’s Happening: 48 Hour Warning – Nullsec Local Blackout

    As announced on July 5th, in 48 hours, at downtime on Friday, July 12, local chat across all nullsec space will be switched over to delayed mode. This means that it will behave as local chat in wormhole space, with pilots only appearing in the local po…

  • Dev Blog: Nullsec Local Chat Blackout coming to An EVE Near you.

    Lina Ambre reports as the SCC announces that its Fluid Router network is under threat and that Capsuleers should prepare for an inevitable communication blackout across Nullsec. The Drifters also seem to have ramped up their attacks, targeting more tha…

  • Dev Blog: Account Security Improvements

    If you’d like to discuss this devblog, feel free to head on over to the comments thread on the official forums! Hi, fellow capsuleers. EVE Online accounts are incredibly valuable, and we are constantly taking steps to make your accounts more secure. In this blog, we’d like to tell you about what steps we’ve recently…

  • Planting the Interstellar Grove: Training Pilots for NRDS Nullsec, from Scratch to Academy

    Lesson Two: Best Practices This term is usually loathed when it’s used as business-world jargon, but I happen to believe rather strongly in the idea of “best practices” if it’s meant in good faith. The principle is bone-simple, …

  • Reformation Through Drifter Event

    CCP’s done something interesting with the “Drifter Siege of nullsec structures.” Hopefully CCP can understand why they are so popular. For years now structures have been far too spammable and tedious to remove which in turn has put a damper on other’s …

  • Eight Principles for the Betterment of Eve

    A week ago, I was decisively elected CSM. I ran a campaign grounded my Eve background and balance ideas. In my CSM bid I had more concrete ideas than any other campaign this year. But even in that document, I admit that CSM members seldom get their con…