Dev Vlog: EVE Online – In Development December 2017
This EVE Online in-development video features everything coming out in January, leading up to the Winter release due 9 January. Features include the Yoiul Festival event and updates to The Agency, where PvE content gets ever easier to access. There is …
Galactic News: Type-10 Defender Now Available
Lakon Spaceways has announced that its new ship, the Type-10 Defender, is now available to the public. The vessel boasts greater speed, acceleration and manoeuvrability than the Type-9 Heavy on which it is based, and also offers a more focused hardpoi…
Galactic News: Angeli Imperial Enterprises Campaign Concludes
A spokesperson for Angeli Imperial Enterprises has announced that its appeal for commodities has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community, resulting in a massive influx of deliveries to Potagos Port, the organisation’s base of operation…
Galactic News: Starport Campaign Reaches Successful Conclusion
A spokesperson for the GalCop Colonial Defence Commission has announced that its appeal for construction materials has been earnestly received by the galactic community, resulting in a huge number of deliveries to Dervish Platform, the organisation’s b…
Community Goal: Core Dynamics Campaign
Core Dynamics, one of the galaxy’s largest starship manufacturers, has announced a new construction initiative in response to the rise in Thargoid attacks. A spokesperson for Core Dynamics released the following statement: “The number of ships lost t…
Dev Blog: Updates to The Agency, Journal, and Agent Finder
The mission objective of The Agency is to bring content to you, the Capsuleer. To do that, we need to know what types of content there are, and one system was holding us back, the sites. As you know, there are many types of sites (Relic, Data, Combat, …
PSA: Exploit Notification – Deployment of Upwell Structures around Factional Warfare IHUBs
An issue has come to our attention today through discussion with the CSM. The minimum deployment distance restrictions for Upwell Structures near Infrastructure hubs (at least 1000km away) are not correctly applying to Factional Warfare Infrastructure …
Exploit Notification – Deployment of Upwell Structures around Factional Warfare IHUBs
An issue has come to our attention today through discussion with the CSM. The minimum deployment distance restrictions for Upwell Structures near Infrastructure hubs (at least 1000km away) are not correctly applying to Factional Warfare Infrastruct…
Updates to The Agency, Journal, and Agent Finder
Greetings Capsuleers, With the January release you will notice we have made some significant changes to the following windows in EVE: The Agency Journal Agent Finder Updates to The Agency With the January release we are going t…
Showcase: Pod and Planet Winners Make Bank with Fanfic
After six weeks of judging, the results are in. The Pod and Planet fiction contest has named its winners. We’re happy to bring you a taste of the winners’ gallery – the stories that won over 55 billion ISK in prizes. Judges included a wide variet…