Commodore McAllister Appointed to Council of Admirals
Commodore McAllister Appointed to Council of Admirals Commodore Riri McAllister of the Alliance Defence Force has been appointed to the Council of Admirals and promoted to the position of Rear Admiral. The Council of Admirals is responsible for milit…
Showcase: Disaster hits Legacy Co. in Wicked Creek
On Sunday we live blogged for about 4 hours what ended up being the second most massive (in term of ship losses) fight ever in EVE Online. #wickedcreek Tweets The story begins with an ill-fated move up from Legion of xXDEATHXx toward their new home. If…
Temporary Tax Freeze Announced
A galaxy-wide suspension of revenue tax has been announced. All three superpowers are supporting the freeze, which will see profit margins for everyday commodities increase. The temporary alleviation will allow fiscal authorities to complete a much-ne…
Federal Citizens Assassinated by the League of Reparation
Terrorist group the League of Reparation has committed three further murders in Federation space. The body of Ezra Lux-Kumar, a wealthy entrepreneur, was found in his home on Biggs Colony yesterday. Local security forces confirmed that the cause was a…
The Knowledge of Good and Evil: Part One
A young girl with a gift for repairing gear struggles to survive on the streets until a unique opportunity presents itself.
Starport Status Update
This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference. The following starports are currently closed: Boe Orbital, Abast Samo Hansen Platform, Jimavi Hutton Dock, Khaka K…
Calling All Devs
This Week in Star Citizen
Kirith Kodachi: More Thoughts on Abyssal Space
As the pressure of a busy spring begins to fade, and I am finally recovered from two weekends in a row camping in the woods with hordes of crazy kids and not enough blankets (I swear, I slept so poorly I swear my face felt like it was melting last Sund…
* LIVE * Wicked Creek Brawls – TRI/FRAT vs DRF * UPDATED *
Huge fight going on in C-LTXS (Wicked Creek) as Triumvirate/Fraternity forces and XIX forces, the skirmish now escalated into a 1700+ man battle which has already taken the toll of at least one Fraternity Titan: We’ll update this thread as soon a…