Category: News

  • Starport Repair Initiative Announced

    Following Thargoid strikes on the fringes of the core systems, a new initiative to restore damaged starports has been announced. Chief administrator Carter Armstrong spoke on behalf of Aegis Core, which is coordinating the campaign: “We’ve set up thi…

  • Los Chupacabras Campaign Concludes

    Los Chupacabras have announced that their plan to host a music festival in the LFT 926 system has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Scores of pilots supported the initiative by delivering commodities to Meredith City, the organi…

  • Order Restored in T’iensei

    The Autocracy of T’iensei has announced that its campaign to clear the T’iensei system of agitators has been a success. Hundreds of pilots responded to the appeal, taking to their ships to eliminate the criminals operating in the system. Authorities i…

  • Campaign for Pleiades Starport Restoration

    A fund has been set up by the Aegis Research to repair starports in the Pleiades Nebula that have been damaged during the Thargoid conflict. Senior engineer Lilith Galloway made this announcement: “We’ve had the worst of it here. The Thargoids have g…

  • Aegis Hails Eagle Eye Success

    Aegis has announced that its Eagle Eye initiative is proving to be a great success, and has helped to repel Thargoid forces from systems in the Pleiades Nebula. The Eagle Eye orbital surveillance installations were established earlier this year to mon…

  • Battlefield Providence: A Look at the Eight Factions Fighting in Providence

    Since CCP dangled the golden carrot of faction Fortizars, power blocs have been looking hungrily at the most densely station-populated region in all of Eve: Providence, the homeland of Provi-Bloc. Home of stubborn defenders that have laid claim to the …

  • Anarchy in Socho

    The Socho system, headquarters of Aegis Core, has been overtaken by a criminal faction. The system is now in a state of anarchy. A courier carrying a message from Aegis scientist Dr Mia Valencourt managed to escape the system. The message was then bro…

  • Starport Status Update

    This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference. The following starports are currently closed: Stackpole City, Lugger Maausk, Maausk Mitchell Dock, Meene Meanwhile…

  • Plain Truth: Fair Chance Fail

    Parker Terrell revisits an old scandal to expose the UEE government’s failure to protect Oso II.

  • CSM 13 Candidate Overview

    (The views and expressions here are that of the author and not that of their Corporation, Alliance or EN24. The author is a member of Provi-Bloc and hopes the information provided is unbiased and helpful to all readers and candidates.) The race for CSM…