Category: News

  • Companions Patch 3.21

    Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Companions Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes have been combined into patch 3.21, which will be live……

  • Update: Bastions of War

    Marauding Capsuleers, It’s time to bring heavy damage to the battlefield with the new Bastions of War update, coming soon as part of the Reign Quadrant! Marauders are getting a […]

  • No Man’s Sky: Companions Update

    Hello Everyone, Our tiny team is excited to let you know that our first free update for 2021, the COMPANIONS update, is available to download from today, free for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Win 10, Steam, Steam VR, GOG, Xbox One and XboxS/X players! Every planet you land on in No Man’s Sky is full……

  • No Man’s Sky: Companions Update

    Hello Everyone, Our tiny team is excited to let you know that our first free update for 2021, the COMPANIONS update, is available to download from today, free for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Win 10, Steam, Steam VR, GOG, Xbox One and XboxS/X players! Every planet you land on in No Man’s Sky is full……

  • Watch this: EVE Online Quadrant Reign Trailer

    Achieve tactical supremacy and victory in New Eden with EVE Online’s new Quadrant “Reign”, the first in 2021!

  • Next Generation Patch 3.15

    Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Next Generation Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes have been combined into patch 3.15, which will be……

  • Dev Blog: The Eve Online ecosystem outlook.

    Abundance breeds Complacency and Scarcity breeds WarPredictable Inputs lead to Stagnant OutputsAutarky is Anathema to Free Trade Dear Capsuleers, In EVE, much of 2020 was spent in renovation working on […]

  • Next Generation Development Update

    Hello Everyone! It has been an eventful year, and reflecting back, there is a lot we feel grateful for. This year has been huge for No Man’s Sky, and we feel so lucky to be able to continue expanding this game we love – as well as to see the positive reception from our amazing,……

  • Next Generation Patch 3.13

    Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Next Generation Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes have been combined into patch 3.13, which will be……

  • Next Generation Patch 3.13

    Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Next Generation Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes have been combined into patch 3.13, which will be……