Submission: Dronelands Update
One of my in-game names is Dirk Stetille, and I was until recently a senior member and leading FC of a Malpais alliance called Badfellas Inc. Badfellas are a subsidiary of Northern Coalition. and responsible for the initial reactions to sovereignty assaults within Malpais, as well as the defence against major threats to the Brothers…
DevBlog: Caedes and Rabisu [ATXIV Prize Ships]
Hey folks. We revealed the models and first pass of bonuses for the two new Alliance Tournament prize ships in CCP Logibro’s recent dev blog, and it’s been great to hear from a lot of players drooling over these so far. These ships will be given to the top teams of the 14th Alliance Tournament…
Video: The Zkill Guide To The Nighthawk
A Nighthawk guide made by rhiload! Enjoy!
Customer Support: Past, Present and Future
It’s been around a year since EVE Online’s Customer Support Team last published a dev blog and so we felt it was time for an update. This blog is all about Customer Support and as such it will not include any game content or release information. With that being said let’s talk about petitions tickets. A Year…
The CSM Podcast Ep.1 ft Jin’taan, Xenuria & MrHyde113
The first episode of Apothne‘s CSM Podcast featuring Jin’taan, Xenuria & MrHyde113
Video: Baby’s First Vindicator Roam
jack viciate first time flying something bigger than a cruiser, Enjoy!
Low Sec Rumble, Clash in Metropolis
Early on August 11th, at 10:30 Eve Time, in the system of Hagilur Dead Terrorists forces clashed with those belonging to The Drunk and Disorderly, Nothing Sus and Bastards of Anarchy in what quickly escalated into a capital brawl. Moving around in their new home, the newly formed alliance The Drunk and Disorderly found an Aeon located in a Dead…
The Roving Warbands’ Guide to Entosising for Fun and Profit
Disclaimer: The following article was submitted to us by: SavenJerent. Statements made in this article are that of the author and do not reflect those of EN24 I read numerous articles, read copious blogs and listen to many podcasts regarding large-scale PVP that occurrs throughout New Eden; the gargantuan battles, the billions of ISK lost…
The Zkill Guide to the nightmare
A Nightmare guide made by rhiload! Enjoy!
War In Delve: Reinforcements to deploy to Delve as the Imperium Advances
Just one week has passed since the Imperium launched a full scale invasion of the northern area of Delve and have been making steady progress through the region. The first line of defence for the Delve Core was the constellations of YX-LYK home to the League of Unaligned Master Pilots [LUMPY] and the gateway to Delve from the Aridia Region. But the constellation…