Category: Eve

  • Audio Customization Coming In Kronos!

    Hello all, CCP WhiteNoiseTrash here on behalf of the audio team at CCP. Our team has often faced the massive challenges there is when developing audio for a game as epic and unique as EVE Online, one of these being that the game is very communicati…

  • Coming In Kronos, Part II

    Greetings Capsuleers! In this blog last week we outlined what you can expect to see in the Kronos release on June 3rd. To add to that list, here are a few more things heading your way beginning of next week!   The new Typhoon model In Kronos we have upgraded the visuals for the Typhoon…

  • Sweeping Death and Chaos: New Exploration Sites in Kronos

    Dear assassins, brigands, cutthroats, triggermen, mercenaries, instruments of war, and all other enforcers of sweeping death and chaos, We’re EVE’s Team Space Glitter, and as you might expect from a team with a name like that, we’ve been thinking up new ways for you to inflict violence upon the world of New Eden. Surprisingly enough,…

  • Community Spotlight: EVE Planets

    Setting up and maintaining a planetary interaction chain can be a logistical challenge. You have to remember what planets produce what resources, what reactions are needed to create the products you want, and try to make everything as efficient as possible to minimize customs taxes. It’s possible to make your own spreadsheet to keep track…

  • Giving drones an assist

    Giving drones an assist (Updated) Hello once again, spacefriends. CCP Fozzie here, bringing your our next dev blog covering some of the exciting changes coming your way in the EVE Online Summer 2014 release. We have updated the thread with the latest information, namely changes to the range and tracking of combat drones and changes…

  • New sites, paint jobs, pirate implants and warp speed modules coming June 3rd in…

    New sites, paint jobs, pirate implants and warp speed modules coming June 3rd in Kronos. Sweeping Death and Chaos: New Exploration Sites in Kronos – EVE Communitycommunity.eveonline.comEve Online is the world’s largest MMO RPG universe rich in adventure, as player corporations compete in a massively multiplayer online space game.

  • Patch Notes For Kronos Are Now Available!

    We’re happy to annouce that patch notes for the Kronos release, which will be deployed on Tuesday, June 3rd, are now available. Kronos brings a whole host of fresh additions to the EVE Universe, including a new line of Mordu’s Legion ships, improved solar flare graphics, brand new audio customization options, many new fixes and…

  • EVE Onlines Facebook-Pinnwand 2014-05-29 16:58:22

    Dev Blog: Introducing The Mordu’s Legion Fleetcommunity.eveonline.comCheck out the latest Dev Blog by CCP Rise, which introduces the new Mordu’s Legion fleet!

  • We appreciate him coming out to Fanfest, but not trying to force our devs close…

    We appreciate him coming out to Fanfest, but not trying to force our devs close to the deadly edge of tall places or to reveal our hidden pact with elves.What are Games Journalists Really Thinking?We sent our real games journalist to the EVE Fanfest in…

  • EVE Onlines Facebook-Pinnwand 2014-05-29 15:40:36

    Dev Blog: Coming In Kronos, Part IIcommunity.eveonline.comCheck out CCP Seagull’s new Dev Blog, which sheds some light on more stuff that’s coming with the Kronos release next Tuesday!