Custom probe formations you say?!
Custom probe formations you say?!Probe Scanning improvements in Odyssey 1.1 – EVE Communitycommunity.eveonline.comEve Online is the world’s largest MMO RPG universe rich in adventure, as player corporations compete in a massively multiplayer online space game.
Probe Scanning improvements in Odyssey 1.1
I’m CCP Tuxford from team Super Friends and I’m here to tell you about all the wonderful things we have been doing this summer and which will soon make their way to Tranquility as part of Odyssey 1.1. Well to be honest most people have been on vacation and it’s been fairly slow in the…
Behold, a bunch of very fancy gentlemen eager to learn about the EVE universe at…
Behold, a bunch of very fancy gentlemen eager to learn about the EVE universe at (a part of) our Gamescom booth.
“Don’t let the stories of the harsh edge of EVE Online blind you to the random a…
“Don’t let the stories of the harsh edge of EVE Online blind you to the random acts of kindness occurring every moment of the day, everywhere in this game.”The Coffee Rocks: Villains and Angels in EVE Onlinethecoffeerocks.blogspot.com.au
Twitch user “Rushlock” has been doing a smashing job streaming EVE Online. Righ…
Twitch user “Rushlock” has been doing a smashing job streaming EVE Online. Right now he’s “helpdesking” for mining. Aimed a bit at new players, he’s helpful and knowledgable. Go check him out and subscribe!Rushlockwww.twitch.tvQuestions Welcome! 4x Plex Giveaway @ 2000 Follows! Steam Game Giveaway @ 1950! Gaming with The Romantics Community! [Day 116]
All this to back up Shorty in his Caracal. #evebutterflyeffect
All this to back up Shorty in his Caracal. #evebutterflyeffectBR: When a solo Caracal roam turns into a Nyx gank. The EVE butterfly effect in full swing. : Evewww.reddit.com23.15 People who read Reddit regularly might remember seeing an image a few wee…
Patch Notes for Odyssey
Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.20 Released on Wednesday, August 21st 2013 CHANGES Miscellaneous Optimization for the bug report system Patch notes For EVE Online: Odyssey 1.0.19 Released on Tuesday, August 13th 2013 CHANGES Miscellaneous Updating the bug reporting tool in preparation for the launch of the new bug reporting system. Note…
A different type of space combat than you are used to is now up on YouTube
A different type of space combat than you are used to is now up on YouTubeEVE: Valkyrie Announcement Trailerwww.youtube.comEVE: Valkyrie (formerly EVE-VR) is a multiplayer dogfighting shooter set in the EVE universe that uses virtual reality to give pl…
EVE: Valkyrie announced!
EVE: Valkyrie is a go! Check out this IGN exclusive for more information on the announcement and please visit this forum thread to join the discussion. And please like the EVE Valkyrie Facebook page to stay tuned for more.
Become a fan of EVE: Valkyrie and stay up to date on development progress and fu…
Become a fan of EVE: Valkyrie and stay up to date on development progress and further announcements. Oh, and screenshots!EVE: ValkyrieBeing developed in CCP’s Newcastle studio, EVE: Valkyrie is a multiplayer dogfighting shooter set in the EVE universe that uses virtual reality to give players the sense of being real pilots in EVE Online spaceships.…