All you need to know about the CSM 12 elections
Tweet Greetings citizens of EVE, The CSM 11 term is in its second half and we’re fast approaching the elections for CSM 12! In this blog you should find everything you need to know about the…
New Eden Store: Convergence-Nova SKIN now available for Mordu’s Legion ships
We are excited to announce the release of the Convergence-Nova SKIN for Mordu’s Legion ship hulls. This glorious orange and titanium-black themed Convergence-Nova SKIN uses our new projection pattern technology and is the first of its kind for Mordu’s Legion ships. The Convergence-Nova SKIN is available for the following ship hulls: Garmur Orthrus Barghest These news SKIN…
Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #44
The past week has supplied more than enough videos from around New Eden. From ambient videos, fake trailers and some hilarious or tense PvP moments, these are EVE News 24’s picks for the past week: #1 Eve Online: Solo Pvp, Best Pvp by BlackHawk 0oi Though posted several months ago, it was recently mailed to…
Fanfest Is Coming – Tickets Selling Fast!
2017 has dawned, and as we move forward past the first release of the year, Fanfest draws closer by the day! This year promises to be an epic celebration of all things EVE Online, with presentations and roundtables from developers and players alike, as well as more information on what players can expect to see…
Timelapse – The Development Of EVE Online
Have you ever wondered what the code base of EVE Online looks like, and how it has changed, developed and migrated over the years? Team Tech Co have been experimenting with Gource.io as a little bit of a project in order to visualize the changes to EVE’s code base over the years, and the results have…
January release 119.1 has been deployed
Tweet <!—-> The EVE Online January release 119.1 has been deployed on January 12th! This release brings a selection of new SKINs for SoCT and Mordu’s Legion Command hulls, as well as improvements and fixes to the Fitting Simulation window. In addition to this, there’s also a new theme tune for 119.1, titled “The Ones We…
Credit Card Payment Issue Fixed!
Over the course of the last 36 hours we received a number of reports that players, especially those who were attempting to make first time payments for EVE Online, were having issues doing so. After investigation, we have been able to rectify this …
119.1 Release To Be Deployed On 2017/01/12 During Extended Downtime
We are happy to announce that the first release of 2017, January’s 119.1 release, will be deployed tomorrow, Thursday, January 12th 2017. Downtime will begin at 11:00 UTC and may be extended slightly beyond the regular 15 minutes while we use VIP time to perform extended testing of the release. This release brings a selection…
New Eden Store: Glacial Drift SKIN now available
Following the Yoiul celebrations, the intriguing Glacial Drift SKIN is now available in the New Eden Store for 53 ship hulls. The Glacial Drift SKIN is – after the Star Captain SKIN – our second SKIN that is based on the new pa…
118.10 Release To Be Redeployed Due To Issues With 119.1 Release
Due to an issue with the 119.1 release which resulted in server stability issues after its deployment, we will be re-deploying the 118.10 release while we work on a fix. Tranquility is currently offline while we re-deploy 118.10, and wi…