Category: EVE News 24

  • Miner Metrics 7/4/2017

    A daily show giving a brief overview of the New Eden mineral market and its projections. The show presents the median prices, recent trends in supply and demand as well as advice on future changes in the market.  

  • Fanfest 2017: Structures Presentation

    An hour ago, CCP Fozzie lead the EVE Online structures presentation. We will me doing a full write up on this matter later in the day. The big announcement right now is taht Outposts are due to become faction Citadels.

  • Watch This: EVE Online Keynote – Day One.

    Today’s keynote was one filled with interesting promised for EVE Online players. Those unable to watch the Keynote live were able to follow up the most important key points through our live blog, but still, nothing beats watching the real thing, so here it is: Kudos to OkarasChimera for ripping and re-uploading the keynote.

  • Awesomesauce: Birth Of The Capsuleer

    Begin your life as a capsuleer in New Eden, where your destiny amidst hundreds of thousands of others awaits you. Become one with your ship and embark on a story of industry, exploration and conquest as you weave your legend into the fabric of New Eden.

  • Breaking CSM Election results are in…

    The CSM election results are in, congratulations to the winners:

  • Watch This: Between Fanfests Development Review (2016-2017)

    Check out the major things that were added to EVE Online in just a single year (between Fanfest 2016 and Fanfest 2017).

  • Live Blog: EVE Online Keynote

    Hey guys, another year another fanfest. This year we’ll be running once again our live blog for the EVE Online keynote. We’ll do our best to bring the keynote highlights to those unable to watch the steam. If you have something to add to the conversation, feel free to tweet to @evenews24 and we’ll share…

  • Live: EVE Online Fanfest Stream

    The 2017 Fanfest just started, here is the official CCP Games stream, currently the o7 show is rolling, in about 90 minutes (12:00) the EVE Keynote should start.

  • Immensea: Fidelas Constans Titan Destroyed During Battle in CJNF-J

    CJNF-J system, Immensea region. On the 5th of April at 10:15 EVE Standard Time a battle unfolded in the system which resulted in the destruction of a Fidelas Constans [FCON] Avatar titan. The battle was instigated by Pandemic Legion [-10.0] forces. The alliance once again deployed a Raitaru engineering complex in Phoenix Federation (PF) space,…

  • Miner Metrics 5/4/2017

    A daily show giving a brief overview of the New Eden mineral market and its projections. The show presents the median prices, recent trends in supply and demand as well as advice on future changes in the market.