Category: EVE News 24

  • Spotlight: The Rising Phoenix of Industry

    Eve has a reputation as being a harsher kind of MMO where whining is rightfully ridiculed and even CCP members are known to tell players to “HTFU.” However sometimes this kind of attitude is used to give people an excuse to be unnecessarily obnoxious. This manifests itself mostly in people with little going on in…

  • Cavemen. pull off Fortizar heist

    When a Fortizar owned by Syndicate-based alliance Slightly Sexual <S3XY> began unanchoring last week, a convoluted series of distraction schemes and counter-schemes spanning several days culminated in the structure being swiped by local alliance Cavemen. <CAVE> in highsec Solitude on Wednesday. We interviewed a pilot from each side of the coin – S3XY’s Sandy Freir,…

  • Live Stream : Inner Hell C6 Eviction (Keepstar)

    Update: The structure has had it’s shield’s re-enforced and will be vulnerable to attack in approximately hours of this post. Watch live video from jen140 on

  • Kirith Kodachi: Captain’s Quarters – Potential Never To Be Realized

    Way back in 2012 I posted an imaginary backlog overview for Team Avatar about the future direction of the Captain’s Quarters had the Summer of Rage had not occurred and scuttled CCP’s plans for walking in stations: Story #22317 – Sharing Space Description – As a user I want the ability to invite another user into my…

  • Watch This: CCP Twitch Stream on Project Discovery: Exoplanets

    Project Discovery: Exoplanets Watch live video from CCP on


    CCP released a devblog announcing the retirement of the Captain’s Quarters and the In-Client Twitch Support. 2017-07-12 14:05 By CCP Falcon Next May, New Eden will celebrate its fifteenth birthday and the march will begin toward the third decade of EVE Online. As part of the focus around preparing for the third decade, the EVE…

  • The Discourse – Project Discovery Exoplanets Goes Live

    Project Discovery Exoplanets is live and ready to accept all daring scientists. ARC Studio has released their latest broadcast of “The Discourse” covering the subject. Meanwhile Eyon Vondawn of Spaceships Involved records an easy to understand tutorial on how to identify the new set of samples:

  • PSA: Issue with Project Discovery Evaluation Set

    Hello pilots, MMOS are currently investigating an issue with Project Discovery. It appears that during the evaluation phase (after the tutorial) data sets that are presented for analysis are too difficult for that stage. This has led to many players being given extremely low overall accuracy. While this has caused some concern among players, we…

  • Watch This (Gold Edition) – TEST Server Please Ignore

    We came across this video today that was released in the last 24 hours by Temppu Gaming of TEST Alliance that in my opinion is one of the best combat footage with Super-Carriers and Titans that I have seen in quite a while. Hat’s off to the TEST Propaganda Department on this one and I hope you…

  • Twitch Logs: Highlight of CCP Town Hall

    Today’s roundtable by CCP was broadcast on Twitch, and you can watch the video of that here, but the best questions and answers of the day came from CCP Rise in the chat stream after the broadcast itself. We have gathered these questions together and formatted them for easier reading. Minor edits have been made…