Desperate Miners and Shiny Pants: Insights from the Economic Report
Unless New Eden’s entire economy is your playground, November’s monthly economic report is, admittedly, not the most riveting reading. Still, dig a little way into the pretty graphs and there are some noteworthy points to be found. Mining: …
Dev Post: [January] Ammunition re-loading and other minor changes from Five 0
Hey, We in Team Five 0 have worked on a bunch of fixes and smaller changes for the January release, and we would love if you could help us with testing them on Singularity! Changes to loading and unloading of ammunition The code for loading and unloadi…
Dev Blog: A new SKIN, and a tribute to a fallen wingman
Approximately four weeks ago on November 14th, CCP received the devastating news of the passing of a member of our staff. CCP Blaze, one of our Senior Software Engineers with our Audio & Graphics team, passed away suddenly at the age of just 35, wh…
Awesomesauce: Unbreakable VII – Nightmare/Machariel PVP
Pyto brings us another instalment of pure, unadulterated low sec shenanigans around the Placid and Black Rise regions. Apart from the hefty edition (Beautiful City and Toxicity in 2017!? hell yes!) and the superb module management; I really liked the o…
Look But Don’t Touch: Octopus Red Flight SKINs Hiding on TQ
Since their first appearance on the Singularity test server two months back, the Caldari Octopus Red Flight SKINs set my heart afire. And when our beloved Editor-in-Chief (noted for his SKIN collection) started asking questions, I got curious. It’…
Contest: Solo PVP Videos – 10bn in Prizes
Anyone who knows my writing knows I like contests. I like’em a lot. Most of the time, though, they’re dead serious or modestly tongue-in-cheek. This one is lunacy. Capsuleer FMERCURY has launched what might be his own Alliance Tournament, if AT t…
The Discourse: Hidden Research Base Leads to New Implant Tech
Interstellar society witnesses an ultimate breakthrough in Net Intrusion Technology. The “Blackglass” Neural Lace poses as an ultimate hacking weapon in the right hands. But where did it come from?
Ambush! Nyx Nixed in Great Wildlands
The death of a super is always a solid blow. To the victim, the blow hits soundly in the wallet and pride. To the victors, it gives a nice injection of green to the killboard and another killmark etched onto the hull. At first, the Nyx lost by capsulee…
Starless Night: New Art by Rixx Javix
Digital artist Rixx Javix has released some stunning new work in his ongoing series ‘Shadow: Frozen in Time and Space.’ The Shadow series includes two dozen wallpaper-grade high-resolution stills of EVE Online starships. Unlike most of the EVE ship art…
PSA: Patch notes for EVE Online – Arms Race release
Patch notes for Arms Race release 1.0 Released on Tuesday, December 5th, 2017 Features & Changes Clone States: Greatly expanded the Alpha Skill Set. Over 20 million total skill points available, including: Battlecruisers Battleships Tech II small a…