Category: EVE News 24

  • CSM Jump Fatigue Town Hall – The Summary

    The Council of Stellar Management (CSM) headed up by Sugar Kyle with CCP Developers CCP Larrikin, CCP Delegate Zero, CCP Fozzie, CCP Nullarbor and finally CCP Mimic held a CSM Town Hall that was set up on an open team-speak with the goal of obtaining feedback and opinions on the Phoebe Jump Changes. Specifically, Jump Fatigue, which has…


    Watch live video from ISDSTAR on Watch live video from isdstar2 on


    Hello Tournament Fans. The first of three weekends of combat. This first week traditionally hasn’t had coverage from CCP, but players have stepped it to cover it. For a good experience, use both these streams: the multiwatch for visuals and SirSqueebles for Audio. Both winner and losers brackets – multitwitch: With Commentary from SirSqueebles:   You can also…

  • EN24 Podcast – New Player Experience

    EVENEWS24 podcast where we talk about the top stories in EVE Online. EN24’s podcast releases another episode. This time we talk to some new players who give us their perspectives on struggles and successes. Panel: Guest: Sharkut Tag’heul – Red Federation, RvB (3 days old) Guest: Kiki JiJi– Red Federation, RvB (returning after 2 year…

  • Structures Analysis

    The last time null-security sovereignty mechanics changed, Pandemic Legion was wiped off the map (Fountain) by IT Alliance (former Band of Brothers corps). That was six years ago.  The recent overhaul of sov mechanics has been rather smooth, with a few exceptions: There was an ugly extended downtime, a jump-cloning bug that CCP turned around and called a feature,…

  • The Scope: Drifter forces assault Amarr Navy Headquarters in Safizon

    Lina Ambre reports live for The Scope Galactic News Network as drifter forces assault Amarr Navy Headquarters in Domain. The Amarr Navy responds to the threat, launching a massive counter offensive against the attack.


    Original devblog located here: I FEEL SAFE IN CITADEL CITY 2015-08-13 14:58 By CCP Ytterbium | Comments———- Hello again people and welcome back to yet another structure blog by Team Game of Drones. We’ve previously talked about the general protection and capture mechanics, now let’s discuss what happens to your stuff when things blow up, otherwise known as asset…


    Original devblog located here: CITADELS, SIEGES AND YOU 2015-08-13 14:57 By CCP Ytterbium | Comments ———-   Hello again dear spacebros and welcome back to another structure blog by Team Game of Drones. Time has passed since we last discussed upcoming new structures (Fanfest 2015 and shortly thereafter), which we have spent reading feedback and iterating on…

  • Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #9

    So it’s that time of the week where I have spent hours upon hours of trawling through YouTube to bring you the BEST (well, in my opinion anyway) videos that the Eve Community has to offer. So here we go! #1  Arek’Jaalan Site One: Unknown Entry Event Sup General, aka Super General aka General StarGazer…

  • LIVE: Townhall on Jump Fatigue *LIVE*

    Watch live video from Oddsodz on