Immensea: Titan down to Bomber’s Bar
A silent behemoth was grazing in the ratting fields of Immensea. It lumbered slowly from field to field, its great size deterring small predators from disturbing its meals. The stars sparkled passively, setting the mood for a quiet evening of relaxation and consumption for the Erebus’ pilot. Unknown to the Erebus, a large pack of…
Video Spotlight: Adhocracy and Awulf
Hello, I’d like to present to you a YouTuber from Adhocracy [ADHC], one of the oldest wormhole alliances in the game. Awulf has been making a video series that chronicles the day to day life of their alliance. He has been steadily improving his editing, narration, and storytelling since starting EvE video production about six months ago.…
Hunter Becomes Hunted – The Story Behind the Revenant Loss in Goudiyah
Goudiyah system, Khanid region. On the 29th of November at 11:50 EVE Standard Time, a Revenant super carrier belonging to scorpikoshka, a member of Amok. corporation of the Goonswarm Federation [CONDI], was destroyed in the system, bringing to culmination months of planning. The Revenant in question belonged to 3Better, formerly of LowSechnaya Sholupen [-LSH-]. If…
Dev Blog: Inception 1.5 – Further Improvements to the New Player Experience
Greetings spacefriends, With the successful launch of EVE Online’s November 15th expansion, Ascension, we (Team Genesis) have introduced the first phase of our planned new New Player Experience (NPE) revamp called Inception. To find out more about our development journey check out this previous blog. In Inception you become a key player for your empire…
ISKstarter raises 20bn ISK in 2 days for community projects
This week, EVE_NT launched a new service to help all community projects in EVE raise funds to run events and community projects called ISKstarter. So far, it appears to have been a success! Already over 20 billion ISK has been raised, with two projects already hitting their targets, including the New Eden Accounting Tool raising 210 million…
Johann’s Corner: Welcome to New Eden
Hello, my name is Johann Landier, and I’m a writer and political analyst for EN24. The thoughts, advice, and opinions written here are mine and not meant to represent anyone else’s. Last week the “Ascension” Expansion of Eve Online brought capsuleers a wide range of new features. Everything from new ships, realistic explosions, a desperately needed…
Pure Blind: Mordus Angels and Pure Blind Cartel Defend Against Mercenary Coalition in X-7OMU
X-7OMU system, Pure Blind region. On the 25th of November at 20:39 a capital battle unfolded in the system involving 4 fleets and leading to 170 billion ISK in damages. The battle was instigated by Mercenary Coalition [MC] by attacking a tower belonging to Mordus Angels [MOA] in the system. Mercenary Coalition gathered an 80…
Fountain: The-Culture Retaliates in MN5N-X
MN5N-X system, Fountain region. On the 27th of November at 16:28 EVE Standard Time, The-Culture [-T C-] forces destroyed a joint Fountain Core (Fcore)\Red Menace Coalition (RMC) fleet in the system. The fight started after The-Culture scouts spotted the fleet reinforcing a The-Culture tower in the MN5N-X system. The fleet, an 80 pilot Rattlesnake battleship…
Low Sec Rumble: Aeon Super Carrier and Its Relief Force Lost in Dour
Dour system, Placid region. On the 25th of November just past midnight, an Aeon super carrier and its rescue fleet were destroyed in the system at the hands of Snuffed Out [B B C] and The Initiative. [INIT.]. The Aeon, belonging to black crack of Tri-gun corporation, a member of the Escalating Entropy [CHAOS] alliance,…
Low Sec Rumble: Bloodbath in Oijanen
Oijanen system, The Forge region. On the 24th of November at 18:49 EVE Standard Time, a large scale battle unfolded in the system between the Drone Regions Federation (DRF) and low security space residents. The Oijanen system continues to produce headlines, this time over a DRF tower. The tower in question was reinforced by Project.Mayhem.…