Category: Elite Dangerous

  • Galactic News: Appeal for Materials Concludes

    A spokesperson for Balones Gold Touch Systems has announced that its appeal for materials has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community, resulting in a massive influx of deliveries to Tiedemann Dock, the organisation’s base of operations…

  • Community Goal: Conflict in Parun

    It has been several weeks since conflict was reported between the Empire and the Federation, following months of hostility between the two superpowers. The last incident connected to the Empire-Federation rift was a clash between the Pleiades Resource …

  • Freelance Report: Fuel Rats Complete 20,000th Rescue

    On the 7th of January 3303, the Fuel Rats successfully completed their 20,000th rescue since their foundation in June 3301. The milestone was reached during a busy weekend that saw the group complete a total of 230 rescues. Sources at Fuel Rats headqua…

  • Galactic News: Weekly Democracy Report

    This report presents the latest data on democratic activity among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to hold elections: Coquim Industry Green Party of HIP 103138 GCRV 4654 State Interstellar Crimson State Group Apoyota Doma…

  • Powerplay: Incoming Update

    At 7.00 am tomorrow morning (GMT), the monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled. Pilots who operate for one of the powers should deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time to ensure thei…

  • Galactic News: Engineers Reduce Requirements

    The galaxy’s independent engineers have announced a joint accord designed to make enhancements for civilian spacecraft more affordable. A spokesperson confirmed the accord was intended to ensure the safety of independent pilots traversing the space lanes. As a consequence, independent engineers will no longer require commodities in order to upgrade modules and weapons – only…

  • Galactic News: Weekly Health Report

    This report presents the latest data on health issues among the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience famine: HIP 10570 Constitution Party Delphin Blue Federal PLC HIP 105577 Boys HIP 73428 Exchange Kvenland Service…

  • Galactic News: Starport Status Update

    This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Unknown-Artefact related interference. The following starports are currently closed: Baudin Landing, Lyncis Sector MC-V b2-1 Descartes Station, Neche Dog…

  • Freelance Report: Imperial Factions React to Discovery

    In recent days, a number of pilots have reported being pulled from hyperspace by alien-looking ships. Reactions have ranged from shock and fear to curiosity and excitement. Influential Imperial groups the Chapterhouse of Inquisition, Lavigny’s Legion …

  • Galactic News: Weekly Security Report

    This report presents the latest data on the security status of the galaxy’s minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a lockdown: Morgor Crimson Pirates Amahu Labour Lokitaka Mu Silver Universal Net LHS 535 Silver United Ltd Blue…