Galactic News: Aegis Initiative off to a Promising Start
Reports from the Taygeta system indicate that Aegis’s new research programme is already bearing fruit. Professor Boden Tench, principal researcher at Titan’s Daughter, offered the following statement to Universal Scientist: “We’re currently focusing …
Community Goal: Diamond Frogs Campaign
The Diamond Frogs, a mercenary outfit based on the lawless fringes of the Capricorni sector, have announced plans to build a new installation in the 63 G. Capricorni system. The faction’s current base of operations has become virtually uninhabitable, …
Community Goal: The Colonia Exodus
Despite the repeated assurances of the galactic authorities, which have endeavoured to downplay the scale of the Thargoid threat, it is clear that many of those in the core systems feel less than secure. This is evidenced by the huge numbers of citizen…
Galactic News: Rogue Runners Appeal Concludes
The Rogue Runners have announced that their campaign to renovate an asteroid base in Run has received the unalloyed support of the galactic community, resulting in a massive influx of deliveries to Smithport, the organisation’s base of operations. The …
Galactic News: Starport Status Update
This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference. The following starports are currently closed: Jeury Port, Regi Jones City, Akba Atacab Filippenko Dock, Ngulungbara…
Galactic News: New Aegis Initiative
Aegis has announced plans to dramatically expand its research division with the creation of over twenty new laboratories, situated at starports across the galaxy. Professor Alba Tesreau, Aegis’s chief scientific advisor, gave the following statement t…
Community Goal: Rogue Runners Appeal
The Rogue Runners, an independent group based in the Run system, have announced plans to restore and expand Leif Enterprise, an asteroid base in their home system. The organisation has expressed hope that the renovated base will become a manufacturing …
Galactic News: Fifth Aegis Campaign Concludes
An Aegis spokesperson has confirmed that the organisation’s campaign in the Electra system has come to an end. The operation was designed to reduce the number of Thargoids operating in the system, and to gather Thargoid material for Aegis’s ongoing res…
Galactic News: Starport Status Update
This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference. The following starports are currently closed: Maupertuis Dock, Zhao Jeury Port, Regi Rotsler Enterprise, Bogatiku …
Galactic News: Guardians of Tranquility Campaign Concludes
A spokesperson for the Guardians of Tranquility has announced that its appeal for rare food and drink has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community, resulting in a massive influx of deliveries to Tranquility, the organisation’s base of o…